1. Aim: To write Request for Proposal (RFP) for given case study (Software Engineering Experiment)
2. Objectives: From this experiment, the student will be able to
- Looking for any kind of help on your academic work (essay, assignment, project)?
- Want us to review, proofread or tidy up your work?
- Want a helping hand so that you can focus on the more important tasks?
Hire us as project guide/assistant. Contact us for more information
- To understand primary communication between Customer & Potential
contractors. - Learn how documentation is prepared according to requirements
3. Outcomes: The learner will be able to
- To analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals,
organizations, and society. - An ability to recognize the need for and an ability to engage in life-long
4. Hardware/ Software Required: Any text editor, Open source tool.
5. Theory:
Request for proposal is a document the customer sends to potential contractors telling
them customer has a need or problem, and wants to hire someone.
In RFP, customer describes his requirements, problems, objectives.
Dual purpose of RFP is to outline the user’s need and to solicit suggestions for solutions
usually with intent of awarding the contract.
Contents of RFP:
Statement of work:
- Description of problem, need or general type of solutions to be
investigated. - Scope of work to be performed by contractors, work to be
included/excluded, work restriction criteria for acceptance, for results
or end items. - Requirements for the solution, results or end items including
specifications and standards, description of how work will be
measured, expected relationship between user and contractor; expected
completion date, constraints on cost of work to be performed.
Proposal Requirements:
- Conditions placed on the proposal such as proposal contents and format,
data requirements, sample forms to include and submission location and
Contractual provisions:
- Type of contract to be awarded, sample contract, and nondisclosure
Technical Information or Data:
- Any additional data or name of a contact person for requesting additional
data, necessary to develop a solution and prepare the proposal or price
6. Procedure:
Prepare Request for Proposal (RFP) Document as per the template given below (for
their case study)
Template for RFP
- Introduction
- Background
- Statement of work
- Scheduled delivery date
Subcontractors - Budget
- Scheduled delivery date
- Proposal submittal
- Selection Date and Criteria
- Technical Information
7. Conclusion:
- RFP documentation is prepared to achieve communication between Customer &
Potential contractors.Through this document customer can specify his problem, need,
requirements & objectives.
8. Viva Questions:
- Why RFP is needed?
- What are the contents of RFP?
9. References:
1. www.werc.org/assets/1/assetmanager/rfpwritingguide.pdf
2. www.aia.org/aiaucmp/groups/ek_public/documents/…/aiap037331.pdf
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