Renewable energy sources such as wind energy are important for countries as sustainable development requires a continuous and efficient energy supply, and it also offers environmental and social benefits.
Wind energy as a power source has been growing exceptionally well in recent years. Countries around the world are looking at producing electricity using renewable resources, and wind energy is one way to do it. Environment-friendly Wind farms around the world are helping improve electricity supply.
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Wind Energy, similar to solar is a free energy resource, but it is a lot more intermittent than solar.
Electricity generation depends on other factors such as speed of wind, location of the turbine, season and air temperature.
Wind speeds can vary a lot within a matter of minutes and affect the generation; high speed winds for instance may result in overloading of generator.
Energy from the wind is usually tapped using turbines. Wind turbine can work well in remote rural area, water pumping and grinding mills, and the total cost is usually cheaper than solar system. Here’s a nice resource that explains about Wind Energy
A wind farm may look elegant on the hillside to the casual observer but a lot of work goes behind its installation and lot of though needs to be given to maximize its electricity production.
Wind farm development also has an impact on the surrounding community, especially the farmers as it helps them improve the productivity of their farms; the roads that are built for building and operating the wind turbines also help the farmers improve their farming operations.
Wind turbines also provide an additional source of income to the farmers. Construction and ongoing operation of wind farms also helps create jobs and provides opportunities to local companies.
- Sustainability in India through wind: A case study of Muppandal Wind Farm in India (Vinodh Natarajan, Jebagnanam Cyril Kanmony)
Wind Turbine Safety Precautions
Wind turbines generate electricity from wind, and is popular means of generating power in several countries.
are being manufactured and installed all across the nation. Wind energy employers need to protect their workers from workplace hazards and workers should be engaged in workplace safety and health and need to understand how to protect themselves from these hazards.
While the industry is growing, those working with turbines, and in the wind energy industry, have to protect themselves from workplace hazards such as Falls, Fires, Crane and Hoist Safety, Electrical, Machine Guarding, Respiratory Protection.
While few would contend that turbines are a major threat to public safety (most deaths and injuries are suffered by those transporting, erecting and maintaining turbines), the wind industry is marked by both a reluctance to admit to accidents and a tendency to cover up the failings of the technology.
Source: windbyte.co.uk
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