Research is an organized and systematic way of finding answers to questions.
Systematic because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which you will follow. There are certain things in the research process which are always done in order to get the most accurate results.
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Organized because in that there is a structure or method in going about doing research. It is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific scope.
FINDING ANSWERS is the end of all research. Whether it is the answer to a hypothesis or even a simple question, research is successful when we find answers. Sometimes the answer is no, but it is still an answer.
Paul Leedy describes research as “the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information (data) in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon with which we are concerned or interested.” Leedy suggests that the word research has so many meanings attached to it in that “few people have any idea of the real meaning.”
QUESTIONS are central to research. If there is no question, then the answer is of no use. Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important questions. Without a question, research has no focus, drive, or purpose.
Related: Research Process Explained
Research is also defined as Scholarly or scientific investigation or inquiry. ‘Research’ is to be understood as original investigation undertaken in order to gain knowledge and understanding It’s a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding.
Research refers to study and research on pure science that is meant to increase our scientific knowledge base. This type of research is often purely theoretical with the intent of increasing our understanding of certain phenomena or behavior but does not seek to solve or treat these problems.
The word research derives from the French recherché, from recherché, to search closely where “chercher” means “to search” in French language. Its literal meaning is ‘to investigate thoroughly’.
Research is a human activity based on intellectual investigation and aimed at discovering, interpreting, and revising human knowledge on different aspects of the world. It can be scientific or not scientific.
Scientific research relies on the application of scientific methods based on scientific paradigm. This research provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature and properties of humans and the whole Universe. It makes practical applications possible.
Significance of Research:
- Provides basis for economic, business, educational policies.
- Solves various operational and planning problems of business (Market R, Operations R, Motivational R) Helps decision making in business
- Increases funds of knowledge
The word “research” is used to describe a number of similar and often overlapping activities involving a search for information.
Often people think of research in terms of science and technology, but research takes place in every area of academic study. Research into our culture, our business practices or our economy can be as important as medical and scientific research.
The simple answer to this question is that research is what we do when we have a question or a problem we want to resolve. We may already think we know the answer to our question; we may think the answer is obvious, common sense even; but until we have subjected our problem to rigorous scientific scrutiny, our ‘knowledge’ remains little more than guesswork or at best, intuition. But what do we mean by ‘scientific scrutiny’ and how do we go about it?
Research encompasses activities that increase the sum of human knowledge. Research and experimental development comprises:
1) Creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.
2) Any activity classified as research and experimental development is characterized by originality; it should have investigation as a primary objective and should have the potential to produce results that are sufficiently general for humanity’s stock of knowledge (theoretical and/or practical) to be recognizably increased. Most higher education research work would qualify as research and experimental development.
3) Research carries with it a professional and ethical responsibility to disseminate and apply the results of research activity and to conduct research in a manner consistent with the Statement and Guidelines on Research Practice. An essential characteristic is that it leads to publicly verifiable outcomes which are open to peer appraisal.
The complementary activity of scholarship refers to possession of an extensive and profound knowledge of an academic discipline and the analysis and interpretation of existing knowledge aimed at improving, through teaching or by other means of communication, the depth of human understanding.
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