“I wandered lonely as a Cloud” (also known as Daffodils) by William Wordsworth: Analysis and notes.
William Wordsworth is a well-known poet who loved nature and believed in nature’s healing power. William Wordsworth’s lyrical poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” (also commonly known as ‘Daffodils’ or ‘The Daffodils’) celebrates the beauty of nature and how its experience can turn even solitude into bliss. The poem reflects his beliefs about nature’s healing power; in the poem the speaker experienced a happy sight of the daffodils couple of years back. Later, whenever he was gloomy, the happy sight of the flowers would return to his mind and relieve him from his pensive mood.While the title of the poem may give a feeling that the poet is more likely to talk about his loneliness, the poem is in fact all about the beauty of the nature and how the sight of thousands of daffodils brought happiness to the poet. The poem focuses on the poet’s response to the beauty of nature; he tells us that the Impressions of the nature are so strong that even a memory of them would make him cheerful when he was downhearted.
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Complete Poem
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
Questions on this Poem
Topic: To Wordsworth “nature is a healer”. How far is this true of Wordsworth’s “I wandered lonely as a Cloud”?The poet says that he was travelling aimlessly just like a cloud over the hills and valleys when he came across a large number of golden daffodils besides the lake. The sight almost instantly brought about a change of emotions that the poet was experiencing. The poet was overjoyed at the sight of so many daffodils at once that were ‘fluttering and dancing’ in the breeze. The poet was amazed at the sight and suddenly everything around him seemed so joyful. In the poem, the poet compares himself to a cloud and daffodils to human beings as they dance and flutter with happiness in the wind; the huge numbers of daffodils make the poet refer to the daffodils as stars in the Milky Way. Such was the beauty of the lively daffodils that he kept looking at them for a long time, not only to feed his eyes but also to feed his heart.
However, the real wealth offered by nature to him only became clear to him later (perhaps a few days later). This ‘wealth’ was the pleasant memories of that day when he wandered alone in nature. Whenever he is in a vacant or thoughtful mood, the daffodils flash in front of him and each time the memories of the dancing flowers would fill him with happiness. In this poem, the poet experiences the joys of being with nature and shows how it can act as a healer.
Spending time with nature and soaking in the beauty of nature can have a profound impact upon our senses, helping us relax, by happy and also increases our capacity to be attentive and creative. Doctors nowadays recommend people to spend more time in nature as it’s great for both the body as well as the mind. According to researchers, lack of exposure to natural surroundings is one of the reasons why people living in cities suffer from different kinds of ailments, including depression, anxiety and migraines. This is why doctors are increasingly prescribing trips to the park as time spent outdoors reduces stress, lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety, and is also good for the overall well-being.
The poem reveals the healing and refreshing power of nature. In the beginning, the poet was lonely and sad, but after spending time with nature, towards the end of the poem he feels the bliss of Solitude. This shows that the influence of nature on man can be everlasting and encourages people, especially those living in the cities, to spend more time in their natural surroundings.
Question: What are the main themes of William Wordsworth poems? Why Wordsworth is a nature poet? What is the underlying message of the poem ‘Daffodils’?
Question: The point in the poem, ‘Daffodils’ reflects the idea that by just looking at the starry sky, verdant valleys, and lush greenery, we forget all our tribulations. Based on your understanding of the poem, briefly explain the transition from seclusion to elation. Quote an anecdote from your personal experience when you felt the impact of nature was permanent and everlasting.
Question: William Wordsworth once said that “ ordinary things should be presented to the mind in an unusual way”. How far is this statement true? Do you think the poem, Daffodils justifies the statement? Give examples from the poem to support your answer.
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