Here are some interesting ideas to keep the kids engaged during holidays, something that will also increase their awareness and knowledge about things. Find fun and creative activities, outdoor activities to explore nature, art and crafts, games and puzzles, and more.
Imparting Education to Children Begins At Home
Education is big business today and every school seems to offer the best. Getting school admissions nowadays seem to be such a big deal with several options (including boards) to choose from. Parents put in so much time researching schools, and the process of identifying the right school for their children makes several parents go paranoid.
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But there are many who think that the best way to impart basic education to children is by spending as much time as possible with them (for parents), and it really begins at Home.
The more time you & your family spends with your child, its better for the child in terms of receiving basic education and security. It may sound a bit ‘old school’ thinking, but many do agree & believe in that approach.
Everybody agrees that every child has unique talents and those must be nurtured, and even though schools might say that they have good teacher to students ratio to make sure they observe the children closely, it seems its still left to the parents to observe their ward closely and see what’s working for them best.
Holiday Homework for parents, and not for students
Here’s a unique holiday homework/assignment shared by a school that went viral because so many parents were able to relate to it (unlike other assignments).
We have seen schools giving stupid holiday assignments & projects. In contrast look at this simple yet beautiful holiday assignment given by a Chennai school.
Here’s the holiday assignment that was given to parents…

Holiday assignment for Parents
Dear Parents,
Warn greetings!
For the past 10 months, we enjoyed taking care of your precious children. You might have noticed that they all loved to come to school. For the next two months, you, their natural guardian will spend the vacation with them. Lets share some tips to make this period a fruitful and happy period for them.
- Have at least two meals together with your children. Teach them the importance and hard-work of the farmers and ask them not to waste their food.
- Let them wash their own plates after every meal. children learn dignity of labour from such activities.
- Allow them to help you in cooking. Let them make their own vegetable and fruit salad.
- Learn 5 new words in English and list them in a note book.
- Visit 3 neighbours. Know more about them and build a rapport with them.
- Visit the grandparents and let your children bond with them. Their love and emotional support is very important for your child. Click snaps with them.
- Take them to your work spot and let your child understand that you work vert hard to support the family.
- Do not miss the local festival and local market.
- Gently encourage your child to raise a kitchen garden by planting seeds. Knowledge about plants and trees are an integral part of your child’s growing up.
- Share stories about your childhood and your family history.
- Allow your child to play outdoors, get hurt and get dirty. It’s okay for them to fall down and experience pain once in a while. comfortable life within the sofa cushions will make your child lazy.
- Allow them to adopt a pet dog or cat or any animal, bird or fish.
- Teach them a few folk songs
- Get some story books with colourful pictures for your kids
- Keep your children away from TV, mobile phones, computers and other electronic gadgets; they have their whole life for that.
- Avoid giving chocolates, jellies, cream cakes, chips, aerated drinks, and too many bakery products like puffs and fried items like samosas.
- Look into the eyes of your little one and thank God for giving you one – wonderful gift. In a few years from now, they will be soaring into greater heights.
As parents, its important to invest your time with them now.
Good wishes for a marvelous vacation.
Annai Violet Matriculation & Higher Secondary School,
Website: violetschool.in
Constructive Activities for Children During Vacations
Besides doing their holiday homework, tell your kids to have fun. Play outside every day, even if you get hurt or get dirty. Just remember to brush yourself off, get back up and try again. Take part in everything on offer. Don’t be scared; push yourself to embrace life. Read, watch movies, relax, do nothing, play sports, go running; do anything but do it well. Be brave, be bold, be you!
Be it the winter or summer holidays, here’s what the kids can do.
Plant a sapling and water it every day.
Make compost- Put dry leaves, vegetable and fruit peels, used tea leaves in a pit and cover it with soil. Let it remain for 30 days. Compost is ready.
Keep a bowl of water and grain on the roof/balcony for birds.
Lend a helping hand, help your parents in arranging your room, cupboard.
Limit watching TV to one hour. Spend time with your grandparents.
Avoid video games instead learn to play Chess, Scrabble, Monopoly & Carrom Board.
Learn to play some sport – chess, football, badminton, etc.
Watch sports and cheer for your favorite team!
Join hobby classes, learn the basics of a musical instrument
Spend time with your family and relatives
Share your favourite toy/book with a child in need
Make a Bird Feeder for birds
Make a Sun Catcher
‘No Water, no Life’- Let’s Save Water this Summer! It’s in our hands. Be a water hero ‘Save Water’.
Do your summer vacation homework yourself.
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