The annual Union Budget informs how the government is going to spend money in various sectors in order to boost growth of the nation.
M.Com Economics Project / Assignment
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For your Economics assignment, please note the following:
1. Only l newspaper item need to be selected for the assignment.
2. Instructions already given: Please choose one item from the paper from among news, analysis, editorials, corporate news and analysis, comments and discuss in detail the content and / or the context of the item.
In your response, you may include the genesis of the item chosen giving historical background, analyse its content, opine on the current status of the item, and if appropriate, draw alternate future scenarios for the item. If suitable, you may discuss the implication of the item chosen on contemporary businesses.
Spend some time in selection of the item. In selecting the item and responding to this question, you may go beyond the coverage of this course and leverage on knowledge you have acquired from earlier courses of micro and macroeconomics and on insights and skills you may have acquired through your work experience.
Please clearly state the location of the item in the newspaper with reference to its placement vis-a-vis page number, column number and position – top, middle or bottom.
Attach the link to the newspaper item at the beginning of the analysis.
3. Regarding the length of the assignment: the analysis, the length and breadth of the assignment shall depend on the student’s clarity and understanding of what is asked in the assignment.
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