Understanding Cinema (BMM) notes for exams, assignments and project work.
Understanding Cinema: Questions
Describe diverse film genres with examples,
Describe broad range of films. What are the different genres in cinema?
Trace the salient features of any three genres with the help of appropriate examples.
Explain the significance of any 2 genres of cinema along with examples.
Describe melodrama & musical with examples.
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What is Neo-Realism in cinema and its impact on Indian film makers
Explain the factors responsible for the resurgent Neo-Realism.
What is Italian Neo-Realism in cinema and its impact on Indian film makers
What is Italian Neo-realism and its attribute?
How Bicycle thieves created new realism in film making education as well as developed socio-cultural theory?
Describe the French new wave cinema, its methodology, makers and periods of existence
Discuss the French New Wave Movement and its characteristics.
Explain the important factors of French New Wave cinema.
Describe the evolution of Cinema covering Hollywood as well as Indian Cinema from the early beginnings to its status today.
Describe the journey of Indian Cinema from Raja Harishchandra to Bahubali
What are the landmarks in the journey of Indian Cinema from 1913 to 2016?
Write brief history of Indian Cinema from Silent to Digital.
Explain technological development of cinema from silent era to contemporary time.
Discuss in length about the origins and spread of Parallel Cinema in India
Describe the journey of Indian Parallel Cinema movement.
Highlight the beauty of Parallel cinema with proper examples.
Trace the development of Indian cinema on the Global Platform.
Globalisation of Indian cinema led to a new revolution in movie making. How far is the statement true?
Why Indian cinema is not getting proper nominations or prizes in Academy awards for best foreign film (Oscar)?
What are the ingredients of Masala films? Elaborate with example of each ingredient.
Why are songs integral part of Indian Cinema?
What is the star system? Discuss the role of studios in this regard.
Describe the contribution of regional films and film-makers to Indian Cinema
What is regionalism? Explain various elements of Indian regional cinema.
Dadasaheb Phalke was an eminent personality to introduce cinema in India. Justify
Explain the contribution of Dada Saheb Phalke to Indian Cinema.
Write the Contribution of V.Shantaram, Satyajit Ray and other regional filmmakers to Cinema.
Explain the significant contribution of Guru Dutt and Satyajit Ray to Cinema.
Discuss award winning regional films and film makers with their contribution to Indian cinema.
Discuss about the contribution and impact of Indian Regional Cinema citing appropriate examples.
Write on the contribution of Marathi films to Indian cinema.
Explain with examples the difference between Documentary, Short Film & Feature film?
Distinguish between Tele-film, Short-Film, Ad-film and Trailer
How would you differentiate a documentary from a film if it is on the same concept? Elaborate with examples.
What is the difference between a Newsreel, Show reel, Short film, Tele-film & Corporate film?
What is the difference between Newsreels & Public Service Ads
Is there any difference between Commercial Ads & Public Service Ads. Explain.
Discuss the important techniques employed by different film makers.
Describe the process of film production from pre to post (or stages in Pre-production)
How has digital technology contributed in modern film making process?
What is the role of digital technology in present cinema?
Digital Era of Filmmaking – What are the Major Changes?
Digital cinema was a revolution in understanding cinema. Justify with its features.
Has digitization simplified Post Production?
Explain Axis, Laxman Rekha in relation to continuity with examples.
What is Fast Motion and Slow Motion? How do film-makers achieve it?
Explain the different shots in relation to human figure
Describe transition and the different types of it
Describe the different types of transitions
What is the difference between Take, Shot, Scene & Sequence?
What is the difference between Subjective Camera and Objective Camera
How sound design and editing are soul of film making?
How medium of cinema is melting pot of all mediums
What aspects have to be kept in mind in the business of cinema?
Discuss the economics of the Production Process.
Does Branding, Promotion, Marketing help in the production & business of cinema? Justify your stand.
Write a note on the importance of Promotion.
Discuss the importance of Marketing in cinema.
Discuss the methods of distribution in Cinema
Does proper distribution help in success of a film?
What aspects should be considered while doing the critical appreciation of a film?
“To paint it’s lines and colours, to film its image capturing” Explain the language of cinema with the help of above statement.
Is ‘Bol’ reflection of society? Justify your answer.
How is ‘1984 – a sikh story’ different from ‘AMU’? Analyse with examples
Write on future possibilities of film making with reference to film Bahubali.
Write a critical analysis of your favourite movie.
Give a brief history of World Cinema in your own words
Write a note on language of cinema.
Write Short Notes on:
Nouvelle Vague
Different types of shots
Camera Angles.
camera movements
Subjective camera
Deep Focus & Depth of Field
Tracking / Trucking Shot
Flash Forward
Dubbing / Lip Sync
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