Various Types of Plants explained. Learn about the differences between tress, herbs, shrubs, creepers, climbers, and trees.
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Knowing about the various types of plants, and examples of each types was one of the topics in the EVS subject.
We all know about plants; they are living things. But there are many kinds of plants around us.
Here we take a look at the various kinds/types of plants.
TREES: Big and tall plants are called Trees. They are the biggest of all the types of plants. For example, a Mango tree.
SHRUBS: Small and bushy plants are called SHRUBS. Example: Rose plant
HERBS: Very small and weak plants are called herbs, but they have medicinal value. For example: Basil.
CLIMBERS: Plants which have weak stem and use support to climb are called Climbers. You will see these plants taking the support of trees and other tall structures to grow. Example: Grapes/grape vines.
CREEPERS: Some plants grow along the ground. They are called creepers. For example plants that give fruits that are huge in sizes. For example: Watermelon plant.
Please feel free to suggest more examples of these types of plants.
Common school questions asked on Shrubs, Herbs and Trees.
Question 1 Name the process by which green make their own food?
Question 2 What is the difference between shrub and trees?
Question 3 How does a climber plant different from creeper plant.Give examples?
Question 4 What are herbs.Give its characteristics and example?
Question 5 What are shrubs.Give its characteristics and example?
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