Here are some tricky questions asked in IAS Exam and UPSC Interview.
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Q. A killer was sentenced to death. Shown three rooms. The first room is on fire, second one has a killer with guns, and in the third cell there is a Tiger who had not eaten for three years. What should he choose?
ANSWER: Room number three, because three years will have died by now hungry, lion.
Q. The interviewer bought a cup of coffee for the applicant. Coffee came; kept in front of the candidate, and then he asked what is before you?
Answer: Candidates answer was “Tea”
Q: James Bond, after jumping from an airplane without a parachute, is alive, how?
Answer: Because James Bond jumped when the airplane was on the runway.
Q. If 2 is the company and 3 is the crowd, next what will be the 4 and 5?
Answer: 4 and 5 will always be 9.
Q. A cat has three children, the name of their children are January, February, and March. What is the name of that cat?
Answer: The answer is given in the question asked. The Cat’s name is ‘What’.
Q: If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have?
Answer: Very large Hands.
Q. How to drop a raw egg onto a concrete or cement floor without cracking it?
Answer: Concrete floors are very difficult to crack.
Q. Adarsh and Anupam two twins born in May, but their birthday is in June | How is that possible?
ANSWER: Because May is the name of a place.
Q. How will you lift an elephant with one hand?
Answer: Elephant with one hand cannot be found anywhere so no needs to lift that.
Q. Can you tell, in which STATE is the Bay of Bengal?
Answer: It is in liquid STATE.
Q, IAS question for the geniuses out there.
How do u write
“14th june 2015”
in 5 letters without using numbers ??
(Any genius is there??) answer please 🙂
Don’t have the answer yet? Scroll down for the answer.
The answer is Today
Q. A very simple but confusing puzzle.
A lady buys goods worth rs.200 from a shop. (shopkeeper selling the goods with zero profit).
The lady gives him 1000 rs note. The shopkeeper gets the change from the next shop and keeps 200 for himself and returns rs.800 to d lady.
Later the shopkeeper of the next shop comes with the 1000rs note saying “duplicate” and takes his money back.
“How much LOSS did the shopkeeper face ?”
A. 200
B. 800
C. 1200
D. 1800
E. 2000
F. 1600
G. Other
Simple yet confusing n challenging.
This is what most think:
from the shopkeepers perspective….women walked with 800+200….and the other person went away with 1000. But there’s 200 cash which was left in the galla…because of this confusion…so when the shopkeeper comes…return the 200 plus 800 from pocket…so add 8000 to the woman’s 1000. The other shopkeep….who gave him the change for 1000 …will ask for the entire 1000. because of the duplicate 1000. So the other shopkeeper gives 1000 rs change….woman walks with 800+200…so 1000 loss and 200 on the desk is remaining. Now the other shopkeeper returns and asks for the entire 1000…so u return the 200 and another 800 plus pocket…so 800 plus womans 1000. So total is 1800
Here’s another explanation
Paid by shopkeeper : 200(for things)+800(cash to lady)+1000(to other shopkeeper) =2000
Received by shopkeeper :
1000( but it’s fake note having 0 value)
So net loss is 2000 RS.
But for the correct answer, think this way…. Buyer comes with 1000…Takes 200 goods
Now shopkeeper is not opening his draw instead he gets change from the other shop keeper.
Now when he gets the change he gives 800 from that. Not his own. He keeps 200 with him.
It’s only when the other shop keeper returns he open his draw for 800 and the 200 is already in hand (the change)
So its 1000 = 800 his own and 200 the value of goods sold.
IAS boy meets TF IAS girl (Joke)
An IAS pass bachelor boy went with his family to see a girl for marriage proposal. In front of everybody, the boy asked the girl what is your qualification.
The girl replied “TF IAS”.
Having not understood what it meant, the boy kept silent because he was worried if he asked what is the meaning of “TF IAS” and if she replied that you don’t even know that much despite being IAS, it will be a big shame in front of everyone.
the two get married and immediately after marriage, when both were alone, the first thing he asks her is what is the meaning of TF IAS.
And the girl replies TF IAS means Tenth Fail In All Subjects.
Remember the proverb “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever”?
The moral of the story is that if you don’t understand, then ask. You may seem foolish at that time, but you will know the answer and may not have to repent later.
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