Transformation of Sentences (English): Concept, practice materials, study notes (Class 10 ICSE and CBSE)
Transformation of a sentence means to change its form without changing its underlying meaning.
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She is too proud to live on alms. (Rewrite using’ so’)
The jar is filled with sand. (Change passive to active voice)
Sara ate the cheese. (Change Active to Passive voice)
Reading is enjoyed by Mary. (Change in to active voice)
He ran so fast that I could not catch up. (Rewrite using ‘too’)
A giraffe is taller than an elephant. (Change in to negative sentence)
Everyone makes mistakes. (Change in to negative sentence)
Was he upset with him? (Change in to assertive sentence)
Did he complete the work? (Change in to assertive sentence)
What a nice flower it is! (Change in to assertive)
If I were a player! (Change in to Assertive sentence)
Platinum is the most precious metal. (Change in to comparative)
The giraffe is taller than any other animal. (Change in to Superlative sentence)
Maria is prettier than Alice. (Change in to positive)
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