A thesis statement is an important part of an academic paper as it helps the reader to clearly identify the points to be discussed in the rest of the paper. It typically appears towards the the end of the introduction of the article.
Including a thesis statement in your academic writing (essay, research paper) helps your readers understand the purpose and direction of the work, it helps you organize your thoughts and focuses your writing, and also helps you to evaluate the coherence of your arguments.
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A thesis statement is basically a statement that informs about the purpose of writing that paper. It is your paper’s point of view, argument or main idea.
So, it is important to craft a clear thesis statement that accurately reflects the purpose of your work.
Here are some key points to keep in mind while crafting thesis statements:
- A thesis statement should be clear and concise (usually one sentence long).
- It should be specific and summarize the key point/s of the research paper/essay.
- It should appear in the introduction (usually in the end).
Here are some examples of thesis statements:
“The thought that AI will match human intelligence in future is a fascinating one, and one that I believe in”. This is a type of proposition thesis statement.
“The differences between Startups and mature firms are pronounced, and deserve thorough investigation”. This is a type of Compare/Contrast thesis statement.
You must remember that all thesis statements are debatable claims and it is important that you support the thesis statement with evidence from various sources.
If you need help writing a thesis statement or want more examples, please write to us.
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