Movies and theatre productions, both are entertaining in their own way. Here, I compare and contrast between the two.
In the busy life of the city, people often lack time for fun and relaxation but when they do find time, they often spend it on entertaining themselves. One form of entertainment is by watching productions, either on stage or in film. People often choose between theatre productions and movies based on their preferences. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the entertainment level, the quality of the characters’ performances and impact to the audience of theatre productions and movies.
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Theatre productions and movies are both entertaining but they have entertainment levels which vary depending on how they are presented and how the audience perceive them. Since the main point of these it to entertain people, either through drama, comedy, or action; it is important that they reach a high level of entertainment in order to entice more people to watch them. Costumes, props, effects and the like add to the entertainment level. Most people find movies more entertaining because movies have more enhanced visual and audio effects for they can be edited through the use of computers and other equipments involved in move productions. Theatre productions, on the other hand, have limited effects. They are presented live therefore, they cannot be edited. In order to add more effects to the production, they rely on props and sound effects.
Other than the effects, people also look at the quality of the characters’ performances. Movies and theatre production teams usually hire or cast trained and experienced actors and actresses to play a part in their movie or stage production. In movies, since they are filmed, the actors and actresses can easily correct their mistakes. Whenever they make a mistake, the director can just shout “cut”, omit that scene and film again. For theatre productions, however, actors and actresses do their performances live so they have to be perfect in carrying out their roles since there is no director to cut the play and repeat the scene again during the actual performance day.
Movies and theatre productions have different impact on the audience. Audience impact partly depend on the preferences of the people. Some people are more affected or moved by theatre performances, others by movies. Even so, movies have greater impact on people because they have a wider audience. They are more accessible and cheaper. Theatre productions are not available for everyone, and while not a lot of people are fond of them either, it can be an interesting experience.
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