“The Patriot” is a poem written by English poet Robert Browning, and it tells the tragic tale of a man who was once regarded as a hero and a patriot, but then fell from grace and became despised to the point where he was put to death.
This poem is a dramatic monologue in which the speaker (the patriot himself) recounts his downfall and reflects on the fickleness of human nature. The poem explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of putting too much faith in one’s own reputation and public opinion.
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The poem teaches that the fickleness of human nature can cause even the most respected and virtuous individuals to fall from grace and become despised by society. The poem offers a harsh critique of the essence of public opinion and the volatility of the public in general.
However, Browning’s own philosophy is mentioned in the final line and it offers a note of optimism that there is still a higher power that governs the universe and ultimately, all things will be set right.
Academic questions on ‘The Patriot’
Question: Is the poem ‘The Patriot’ by Robert Browning relevant in the present day world? Comment on how the idea conveyed in the poem relate to the society today.