The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is about a young boy named Tom who goes through several adventures.
Tom has a brother named Sid and a sister named Mary. Huckberry Finn, whose nickname is Huck, is Tom’s best friend and a partner in crime in all of his adventures.
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Tom Sawyer is a troublemaker, because of which he is often punished by his Aunt Polly, with whom he lives. In one of the instances, Tom is made to whitewash the fence because he skipped school the earlier day (I felt it was indeed a unique way to get punished).
However, whenever his friends are around, Tom would pretend to enjoy doing the chores, which would make their friends think that the punishment is indeed fun, and they would all help him do the work.
So Tom is not only mischievous, he is a smart boy as well.
Another crazy adventures of Tom is when he and his friend are in a graveyard trying to revive a dead person with a dead cat at midnight. When they are there, they witness a murder. Scared, Tom and Huck run away and take an oath that they will never talk about the incident to anyone.
The book describes the experiences of Tom who is often accompanied with his friend, Huck. But even though Tom is a troublemaker, he becomes the good boy when it matters the most.
It seems the book was considered a commercial failure when it was first published, but years later the book is considered to be one of Mark Twain’s best-selling books.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book to read for anyone who loves classic stories.
Sameer. Class 6
Nahar International School, Chandivali
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