Tenali Rama and the Dream Kingdom is a folktale. This story is included in the Class-4 English literature syllabus for most ICSE schools.
Tenali Rama and the Dream Kingdom: Summary
According to folktales, Tenali Rama was a court-jester of King Krishnadeva-raya of the Vijayanagar Empire. Like Birbal, Tenali Rama was witty and intelligent who used his intelligence to solve difficult and unique problems of people. This story also bears testimony to Tenali Rama’s sharp mind, quick wit, ingenuity and wisdom.
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In this story, the king Krishnadeva once had a dream about a beautiful palace that was floating in air. He shared his dream with his courtiers, some of whom flattered the king by saying it was a marvelous dream.
Encouraged, the King made a public announcement that whoever will build that floating palace for him will get a hundred thousand gold coins. A few wise courtiers tried to reason with the king, but to no avail. Finally, the Chief Minister approached Tenali Rama for help.
Few days later, Tenali Rama (in disguise) walks into the Kings court and says that he has been robbed. He says that he had a dream in which the King and his entourage robbed him of his entire life’s savings – five thousand gold coins.
The irritated king says that it so foolish of him to believe that his dream is real. That is when Tenali Rama reveals his identity and says that if the King can believe his dream to be real, why couldn’t he. The King realizes his mistake.
Quick Answers
Question: Number these events from the story in correct order.
- a. The king commanded his courtiers to build him the palace. [Answer=5]
- b. The king could not get the palace out of his mind.[Answer=4]
- c. The courtiers went to Tenali Rama for help.[Answer=6]
- d. The king told his courtiers about the dream.[Answer=2]
- e. The courtiers praised the dream.[Answer=3]
- f. The king dreamt of a palace in the air.[Answer=1]
Question: Complete the following sentences.
- a. Krishna deva Rai dreamt of a palace floating in the air.
- b. The courtiers’ flattered the king because they wanted to get reward.
- c. The chief minister went to Tenali Rama’s house because he wanted him to make the king understand.
- d. Tenali Rama came to the court wearing false beard and hair.
Reference to context:
“The courtiers were shocked by the king’s announcement. Their mouth fell open!”
Question: Why were the courtiers shocked?
Answer: The courtiers were shocked by the king’s public announcement that he would like to have a splendid palace in the air.
Question: In your own words explain the phrase ‘their mouths fell open’.
Answer: The expression ‘their mouths fell open’ means that they became too much surprised after hearing the king’s announcement of making a palace in the air.
Question: What did the honest courtiers try to tell the king?
Answer: The honest courtiers tried to convince the king that his dream was totally baseless. It was just a dream. Dream can not be real.
“I dreamt that you had come with your entourage of ministers and commanders and looted my entire life’s savings – five thousand gold coins!”
Question: Who said this to whom?
Answer: The speaker is Tenali Rama while speaking to the king, Tenali Rama said these quoted lines.
Question: What was the king’s reaction to this?
Answer: The king became shocked. He can never think of that. He said the man fool and scolded him for believing such dreams. Dreams can never be true.
Question: The meaning of the word ‘entourage’ is:
- i) a group of people attended or surrounding an important person.
- ii) people who go on tours.
- iii) people who are highly respected.
Answer: [i ]
Read, reflect and write:
Question: Describe the palace that the king saw in his dream.
Answer: The king was a futile dreamer. He is day dreaming of a figment of his quirky thought and fancy. It was a splendid palace that he dreamt of. It was glittering with sparkling stones.
Question: What promise did the king make to the man? What does this tell you about the king?
Answer: The king promised that he would not promise the man after hearing the name of the robber.
This tells us that the king was very kind to his subjects. He is always ready to listen to the problems of his people. The king also keeps his promises. He promised the man not to punish him after listening the name of the robber. And he definitely kept his promise.
Question: Why do you think the king burst out laughing at the end of the story?
Answer: The king burst out into laughter as the disguised man was actually Tenali Rama. The king loved the way Tenali make him understand that the dream palace can not be built anyhow.
Question: Wise people use their intelligence in good ways. Do you think Tenali Rama was wise? Give reason for your answer.
Answer: Yes, I think Tenali Rama was wise. He knew that if he would have told the king that his dream was baseless, the king might have got angry and took a sudden decision which could harm any of the courtiers or all. So he disclosed the truth of the dream of the king in a roundabout way. The king understood the fact in an amusing way and he praised Tenali Rama for his wisdom.
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