The future of education is likely to be more global in its orientation, more modular and flexible in its offerings, and more open to experiments with new modes of learning.
Anywhere, anytime and any-age learning is revolutionising the dynamics of education.
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Technology is bringing together teachers and learners through smart class rooms, virtual classes, MOOC platforms. The teaching-learning process in varied disciplines is thus transgressing national borders and physical boundaries.
This is a great opportunity for students to explore disciplines beyond their rigid curricula and exposes them to the repository of global knowledge.
The main tone of Transnational Education (TNE) is a collaborative characteristic where the principle education provider of one country (the sender), designs the curriculum and uses a combination of delivery mechanism to conduct the programme in another country (the host). The international qualification adds the global dimension to the learning, giving the student an edge in the employment market, especially if the education provider enjoys a high global reputation.
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance. The transformative potential of online teaching and its reach across geographical zones provides unprecedented challenges and opportunities for making high quality international education accessible by all. The MOOC teacher is an expert in his field and has carefully crafted instructional material, and student is mature and self-motivated, driven more by the need for genuine learning than just acquiring a certificate.
Smart Classes
Smart classes uses informative audios and detailed visuals to explain theoretical concepts. Projectors, short films, documentaries, laboratory experiments and other forms of multimedia content make the teaching of any subject more effective and fun for the learners.
Students are able to visualise a concept in all its details which is not possible through blackboard diagrams. Smart boards allow students and teachers to interact through their laptops which are a new form of classroom participation.
Flipped Classroom
The flipped classroom reverses traditional teaching by placing the responsibility for learning on the student. Here, the learner explores a new concept on his own via reading or lecture videos. The teacher then uses the class time to discuss the knowledge gathered by each one, so that students learn to critically review what they read and then to assess applications in varied situations.
This form of pedagogy is known to develop analytical and reasoning skills, which are useful in all kinds of problem solving. Many international boards like the IB programme differentiate themselves by using the flipped classroom as a core of active learning and concept exploration. Self-driven learning is the valued outcome of this approach as students ingrain the habit of depending on their own research rather than relying on instruction mode for learning new skills,
Distance Learning Programmes
Students who choose to pursue international programs through distance learning are active learners, engaged in what they study. Reputed universities and professional organizations providing distance-learning courses leading to certifications and credit bearing transcripts is the oldest and most enduring form of cross-border education.
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