The tangram is basically a puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons, known as tans. You need to play around with these ‘tans’ and come up with interesting shapes.
The objective of the game is to create an interesting pattern using all the seven pieces but without any overlap of the pieces.
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Tangram puzzles are known to help children learn about geometrical concepts and the relationships between basic shapes, and also gain problem-solving skills . This is why, tangrams are increasingly being used in the math classrooms.
You may try it out yourself: https://mathigon.org/tangram
It is believed that the Tangram puzzles originated in Imperial China during the Tang Dynasty, and later it travelled to America and Europe in the 19th century through trading ships. In China, Tangram patterns are known as “Chin-Chiao Pan”, literally meaning intriguing seven piece puzzle.
Maths class IV Project: Use the geometrical shapes from the tangram puzzle sent through entab and make new shapes (Example – cat, boat, rocket, etc) in your scrapbook. You can flip the shapes form the puzzle to make new shapes.
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