Subject enrichment activities in CBSE are activities that help students learn more about a subject beyond the regular curriculum.
Social Science (SST) Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity – Class IX
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Theme: Be Inclusive in Thought and Action.
Topic: Clean and Green is our Perfect Dream: Sustainable Development
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”
Description: Due to increasing pollution levels in our city, it is important that we lay emphasis on making it green so as to compensate for the loss that has happened to the environment. Since Delhi is the capital city, it represents the culture of our nation that would he best reflected if it is clean and green. A Greener city will ensure that its citizens are breathing clean air which is not polluted with disease causing allergies.
Methodology: You being a Delhite think of some steps to make it a cleaner city. Write a detail report using following points:
- (i) Suggestion to the elimination of garbage, ensuring 100% Household waste segregation and converting waste to usable products such as compost and fuel.
- (ii) Use alternate sources of energy
- (iii) Make the air cleaner
- (iv)Increase the size of the river water
- (v)Campaigns being organised and run by the government.
Question: Every student has to undertake one project on Disaster Management (following topics have been distributed in the class)
- 1. Earthquake
- 2. Floods
- 3. Cyclone
- 4. Industrial Disaster
- 5. Fire hazards.
Project report must contain following sub-topics
General information, definition and its types. Major causes. Effects. Pre and Post disaster Mitigation measures to be adopted. Prepare an Evacuation plan, if you face the same at your home/apartment/ locality/school. Prepare 5 slogans/ a poster as part of awareness Programme in your school/locality. Calendar of activities.
Objective: The project have been carefully designed so as to –
- a) Create awareness in learners
- b) Enable them to understand and co-relate all aspects of selected topic
- c) Relate theory with practice
- d) Relation of different aspects with life
- e) Provide hands on experience
Marks will be given to different aspects relating to Project Work such as Content accuracy and originality and analysis, Presentation and creativity, Viva Voce/ Presentation.
Social Science (SST) Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity – Class 8
Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on ‘Tribes of India’ such as Bhil, Garos, Santhals, Gujjars, Bakarwal, Kol, Oraons, Bhutias, Jarwas.
Project report must contain following sub-topics:
- General information about the tribe [location/ population (as per latest census)/ language]
- Food habits, Dress
- Livelihood/ economic activities
- Cultural aspects and religious beliefs
- Socio- Economic conditions
- How modernization has affected this tribe?
Objective: The project have been carefully designed so as to – Create awareness in learners. Enable them to understand and co-relate all aspects of selected topic. Relation of different aspects with life.
The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows: Content accuracy and originality and analysis. Presentation and creativity. Viva Voce/ Presentation
Social Studies (SST) Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity – Class VII
Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity: Social Studies (SST) subject for Class VII.
Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on any one of the following topics:
1. Course of a river(upper course)
- a) Forces that work in the formation of different landforms
- b) work undertaken by river in this course
- c) features formed by river in this course(v-shaped and I-shaped valleys, waterfalls)
2. Course of a river( middle course)
- a) Forces that work in the formation of different landforms
- b) work undertaken by river in this course
- c) features formed by river in this course (oxbow lake, floodplains, meanders and levees)
3. Course of a river (lower course)
- a) Forces that work in the formation of different landforms
- b) work undertaken by river in this course
- c) features formed by river in this course ( delta ,distributaries and estuary)
4. Work of wind
- a) Forces that work in the formation of different landforms
- b) Work undertaken by wind
- c) Features formed by wind (mushroom rocks , sand dunes and loess)
5. Work of glacier
- a) Forces that work in the formation of different landforms
- b) Work undertaken by glaciers
- c) Features formed by glaciers(cirque , tarn and glacial moraine)
- a) Forces that work in the formation of different landforms
- b)Work undertaken by sea waves
- c)Features formed by sea waves (sea caves , sea arch ,sea stacks and beaches)
7. Architecture of Mughal period with special reference to Jama Masjid of Delhi
- a. When and by whom it was built
- b. Architectural style, regional influence if any
- c. Dimensions
- d. Materials used
- e. Location
- f. Presently maintained by
8. Architecture of Sultanate period with special reference to Qutub Minar
- a. When and by whom it was built
- b. Architectural style, regional influence if any
- c. Dimensions
- d. Materials used
- e. Location
- f. Presently maintained by
Objective: The project have been carefully designed so as to:
- a) Create awareness in learners
- b) Enable them to understand that slow changes have been taking place since the earth came into existence and the various agencies that lead to these changes
- c)To know about the architectural monuments built during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal period and regional influence on these monuments
The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows: Content accuracy and originality and analysis. Presentation and creativity. Viva Voce/ Presentation
The Project Report should include the following: Acknowledgement, Contents, Bibliography, Calendar of activities
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