School Project on Steam Engine.
- A steam engine is a machine (heat engine) that performs mechanical work by utilising the power of steam.
- Steam engines rank with cars, airplanes, telephones, radio, and television among the greatest inventions of all time.
- Steam locomotives (trains) powered by steam engines played a significant role in the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries.
- Although these giant engines are no longer used (most trains now run on electricity), people have fond memories of steam engines and these still run as tourist attractions on many heritage railways.
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Here we take a look at how a steam engine works.
A steam engine is a machine that burns coal to release heat energy, which boils water in a container and turns water into steam.
But instead of letting go of the steam uselessly into the air, the steam is captured and used to power a machine.
The main parts in a steam engine:
- The section where coal is burnt to generate fire.
- Container (boiler) full of water which is heated by the fire to generate steam.
- There is another section which has the cylinder and piston (similar to a bicycle air pump but this one is much bigger). Steam from the boiler is piped into a cylinder, causing the piston to move forwards and backwards (known as “reciprocating”) which is used to drive the machine (that is attached to the piston).
- The pushing force of the piston is typically transformed, by way of a connecting rod and flywheel, into rotational force for work. The machine that is attached to the piston could be anything – water pump, factory machine or a steam locomotive.
- Steam engine is considered one of the greatest inventions by mankind.
- The concept used to power a steam engine had multiple uses, and was used to operate factory machines, ships and steam locomotives (trains).
- However, over a period of time, steam engines were replaced with more efficient methods of generating energy
- While coal was the world’s favourite fuel (easily available and relatively inexpensive) in the early 20th century, today oil (petrol) and electricity are used to power everything from trains and ships.
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