It’s no secret that the world’s appetite for energy is greater than its supply which is really causing our natural resources like oil, coal and gas to dwindle away quickly. Not only have that but the overuse of these natural resources has been polluting the environment to a point that it could be irreversible some day.
And that day seems is a lot closer than you might think. Fortunately, it isn’t too late to make a difference, to make the changes necessary to preserve and leave a clean environment for our grandchildren and theirs, to live in. Not only that but making these changes at home will save hundreds even thousands of dollars.
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Solar & wind are among the fastest growing renewable energy resources today, and most governments have favorable policies in place to promote their use. Solar energy has several advantages over fossil fuels and non-renewable sources of energy, but then they also offer several benefits over other renewable energy resources, such as:
- Energy generated from solar panel systems is one of the most green and ecologically friendly sources of energy
- Solar power can be used almost anywhere on earth, whereas other sources may not be suitable in many locations due to lack of resources.
- Solar panels are quiet and don’t have moving parts, they also don’t work all the 24 hours in a day.
- Solar systems need simpler equipment that can be installed easily, compared to hydro and wind energy, and have a longer life. They can also be managed for long periods without monitoring.
- Solar energy can provide predictable output compared to other sources, which can be sporadic in some areas.
- Currently, most governments are offering incentives to install solar panels
Disadvantages of solar energy:
- Solar Panels don’t work at night
- Solar Panel system can look clumsy, compared to say a wind turbine
- Solar power is expensive compared to wind power (overall), but you can always get started with a smaller & cheaper solar setup.
Lot of people are interested in going solar, because most are interested in getting their electricity bills down, and some are genuinely concerned about the environment. There are entire communities now that have their homes running on solar energy. Even though solar panel prices are becoming reasonable, it will still take a few years before you can make the switch off the grid.
Energy costs have sky rocketed lately. This has lead people to come out with new and innovative ideas to save on their budget. Thus it is really a wise idea to implement solar energy as your major source of energy.
Using solar panels for homes is no longer challenging and its also getting cheaper. Purchasing pre-made solar panels or kits to build your own power system is also an option for home owners. Whether they are bought completed or build from the ground up, solar panels does help to reduce electricity costs.
Till few years back, solar panels used to be huge that had to be carefully lifted onto a house with a crane. Over the years they have gotten significantly smaller. Today, there are panels the size of shingles that are integrated into the roofing on new homes. These can also be added onto homes that already exist. Other types of panels are so small that they can be held between the ends of a pair of tweezers.
A solar powered house will always save money in the long run, but then the added benefit is that pollution won’t be created by these homes. The excess solar energy produced also allows you to earn money from the electric company. You may choose to rely completely on solar energy or maybe use solar energy to meet only a portion of the electrical requirements.
What are its Uses?
Solar panels can be used to power a variety of appliances, the only thing is that you need to know how much power you want to generate. While doing the installation, ensure you have read the documentation/instruction that comes along with the kit.
Solar generators: You can use this as a backup to your main electricity source. With these generators it is possible to run some electrical appliances, fans and lights.
Solar cookers: No emission, no smoke and needs no gas. This is another solar power system that you may consider. Some people find it slow in terms of performance, takes longer to cook. But then it does save you cost.
Solar thermal systems: These systems are becoming far more affordable today and lot of home owners, buildings utilize it to heat water.
Besides, Solar energy is also used for heating, cooling, ventilation, switching windows.
Installing solar panels for homes requires some knowledge on their placement. These need to be positioned on the side of the house that gets the most sunlight.
Many other benefits of energy exist besides the ones mentioned above. Technology is constantly advancing to make there panels more affordable for everyone.
Though solar panels are still expensive, they have actually reduced a lot in prices over the years. And you can recover the money that you spend, over the next few years in the form of reduced electricity bills. Most countries also give subsidies to those who use this form of energy. In fact, in some countries, its now mandatory to have solar power in all new buildings that are coming up.
Various countries are also looking at other alternative sources for electricity generation, such as hydroelectric and nuclear, including wind & solar power to help us meet our higher energy demands. And though solar can be used in any part of the world, in certain locations you may have to couple it with other forms such as wind turbines if you want to be totally off the grid.
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