Solar and lunar eclipses are natural shadows of a heavenly body. Here’s more on eclipses.
An eclipse occurs when a heavenly body gets in the way of the sun’s light. The two kinds of eclipses which we experience on Earth are Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse.
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A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth and cast a shadow on the earth. It gets dark during the day when the Solar eclipse occurs.
A Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth passes between the moon and the sun. The shadow of the earth obscures the moon completely or partially.
Activity: Use a torch (for the sun), a globe (the earth) and a small tennis ball (for the moon) to explain Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.
We can look at a lunar eclipse with naked eyes. However, it is dangerous to look at the Solar eclipse with naked eyes. Doing so can cause permanent damage to the eyes. One should wear special eye protection filters to watch a solar eclipse.
Class 5: Social Studies
Questions and Answers:
What is an eclipse?
Which heavenly body blocks the sun’s light during a solar eclipse?
When does the lunar eclipse occur?
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