Sociology is the study of society and its people. It further studies the social structure, social behavior, and relations of people living in the society. Sociology studies society through the lens of human activity, how it is influenced by the needs, interests, attitudes, and values of people.
Theories such as conflict theory are used to understand how people interact within the society.
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As per conflict theory various groups in society compete for limited resources, which can result in conflicts between various groups within the the society.
As per ‘Functionalism’ theory, society keeps functioning as the various social structures enables people to satisfy their various needs, including social and biological needs.
Griffiths, H., Keirns, N., Strayer, E., Cody-Rydzewski, S., Scaramuzzo, G., Sadler, T., … & Jones, F. (2015). Introduction to sociology. OpenStax.
Smith-Hawkins, P. (Ed.). (2020). Introduction to Sociology (AUBH Bahraini ed.). Unpublished manuscript.
Academic Questions and Assignments on Sociology
Question: Write down an essay on the depiction of an Indian village, as given by an Indian sociologist and compare it with the account of an Indian village as presented in R.K. Narain’s Malgudi Day’s (in English).
Guidelines/Structure of the book review:
1. Depiction of the book – what does the text contain, its central theme and primary research questions that it attempts to answer. Also, state the importance of the topic, arguments made, structure of the book, the conclusion reached
2. Comparison with the ‘Malgudi Days’ – in terms of village life, kinship patterns, occupations, lifestyles of the inhabitants of that village, British occupation of the village, etc.
3. Situate both the works within the context of village studies in India, along with highlighting its significance 4 marks
4. APA References.
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