“Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution” – ICSE Class 9 History & Civics – Notes, Questions and Answers.
The Age of Social Change
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The French Revolution had a great impact on the world and the powerful ideas of freedom, individual rights and equality circulated in many parts of the world including Europe and Asia. In India, Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Derozio talked of the significance of the French Revolution.
But not everyone in Europe wanted a complete transformation (change) of society. Some wanted changes at fast pace while some believed that changes should take place through a slow process. We are going to study about such groups.
One of the groups which looked to change society were the liberals.
- Liberals wanted a nation which tolerated all religions.
- They opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic rulers.
- Wanted to safeguard the rights of individuals against the government.
- They argued for a representative, elected parliamentary government and an independent judiciary. Still they could not be called ‘democrats’ as they did not believe in Universal Adult Franchise
- Radicals wanted a nation in which government was based on the majority of a country’s population.
- They supported women’s right to vote.
- Unlike Liberals, they opposed the privileges of great landowners and wealthy factory owners.
- Conservatives were opposed to Radicals and Liberals as in the beginning they did not want any change.
- After the French Revolution they felt that some change was necessary.
- They believed that past had to be respected and change had to be brought about through a slow process.
Thus, different groups had different ideas about the societal change.
- During the industrial revolution, new cities, new industrial regions, new railway lines were developed.
- It brought men, women and children to factories.
- Unemployment problem was common.
- Work hours were often long and wages were poor.
- Housing and sanitation were problems since towns were growing fast
Liberals and Radicals searched for solutions to these issues. Many working men and women who wanted changes in the world supported Liberals and Radicals and parties in the early nineteenth century.
In France, Italy, Germany and Russia, some nationalists, liberals and radicals became revolutionaries and wanted to throw existing monarchs.
By the mid-nineteenth century, socialists ideas spread through Europe. Socialists were against private property and claimed that it was the root of all social evils.
- They believed that the propertied class were only concerned with their personal gain and not with the welfare of those who made the property productive.
- They suggested that instead of individual control, property should be controlled collectively.
Socialists wanted this change and campaigned for it. Karl Marx believed that workers had to overthrow capitalism and the rule of private property. He wanted the whole society to have common control over the means of production. ( Capitalism – Means of production and distribution are in the hands of few, where the profit is enjoyed by the rich factory owners.)
- Socialists formed an international body called Second International to coordinate their efforts and their ideas spread through Europe by the 1870s.
- In England and Germany, workers formed associations to fight for better living and working conditions.
- In Britain a Labour Party and in France a socialist party was formed.
However, till 1914, socialists did not succeed to form a government in Europe.
Questions & Answers
1. Liberals were opposed to (a) Secularism (b) Rights of individuals (c) Representative form of government (d) Universal adult franchise
2. Socialist (a) favoured private property (b) were against private property (c) favoured individual controlled property (d) regarded private property as a solution of all problems
Q2. Fill in the blanks:
1. Liberals wanted a nation which tolerated all________ .
2. Karl Marx believed workers had to overthrow _______ and rule of private property.
Q3. Write the following questions and answers in your note book:
1. Liberals were not ‘democrats’. Why?
Answer: Liberals were not Democrats because they did not believe in universal adult franchise, that is, the right of every citizen to vote. They felt men of property should have the vote. They also did not want the vote for women.
2. Socialists were against private property, and saw it as the root of all social ills of the time. Why?
Socialists were against private property because:
- They believed that individuals owned property that gave employment but the propertied were concerned only with personal gain and not with the welfare of those who make the property productive.
- They also believed that if a society as a whole rather than single individuals controlled property , more attention would be paid to collective social interests.
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