Social Science: ECONOMICS (Class 9): Projects and Assignments
- Looking for any kind of help on your academic work (essay, assignment, project)?
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Select ANY ONE ACTIVITY from the following list:
The activity selected by you will be your MULTIPLE ASSESSMENT activity.
- 1. Mono acting- A newspaper/radio channel/ TV channel wants to interview different classes of farmers in Palampur to ascertain their different lifestyles. Imagine you are a farmer of Palampur. Demonstrate the different lifestyle of large/medium/ small/landless farmers of Palampur and differentiate between the different lifestyles. Suggest solutions for more equitable society. The video recording of mono acting needs to be uploaded in the Google form.
- 2. Advertisement of fertilizer brand: Create and act an advertisement of any fertilizer brand with a catchy jingle to promote the importance of fertilizers in farming.
- 3. Business idea: Pitch your business idea explaining factors of production require for the same. Record your presentation through video and submit.
The overall time of the selected Activity should not exceed two minutes The Activity must be recorded with the student in the form of a Video less than 60 MB in size or uploaded in the unlisted viewership on YouTube and the link shared in the Google Form.
Points to remember: The students must be in decent attire and the camera must be in landscape mode while shooting the video.
Evaluation Rubric: Content -1m, Relevance – 1m, Originality – 1m, Creativity -1m, Overall presentation- 1m
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