Since a long time, some people have been immoral and self-gratifying. Even today, the media reports several horrific things (called sins) happening in our society. Sins are actions that are considered wrong/unacceptable and are also viewed as going against God’s will.
The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are vices mentioned within Christian teachings. These sins are often believed to be abuses or excessive versions of a person’s natural senses or passions.
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- Pride (Vanity): Excessive belief in one’s own abilities, it has often been called the sin from which all other sins arise.
- Envy: Desire for traits, status, abilities, of others.
- Gluttony: Inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
- Lust: Inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
- Anger (Wrath): Manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury.
- Greed (Avarice or Covetousness): Desire for material wealth or gain.
- Sloth: Avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
Stories from the Religious Text
There are several stories related to the seven deadly sins that can be found in the religious texts, including the bible. These can be used to teach children about the seven deadly sins.
For example, there is this story of Joseph in the book of Genesis which shows how evil arises from envy. Joseph’s brothers were envious of him so they decided to sell him into slavery.
You can ask older students to come up with more such stories and examples that correspond to each of the seven deadly sins.
Useful Links
How Secondary Schools can Avoid the Seven Deadly School “Sins” of Inclusion
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