In academic writing, Undergraduate and Masters students often encounter specific challenges that can affect the clarity and quality of their sentences.
Being aware of these common issues while framing sentences and actively working to address them during the writing and revision process can significantly enhance the quality of your academic writing.
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Here are some common sentence writing problems in academic writing and how to correct them:
Sentence fragment
A sentence fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence but is missing an essential element such as a subject or a verb or even both. It cannot stand alone as a complete thought.
Recognizing a sentence fragment and fixing it is important for effective communication and academic writing.
Missing subject
These fragments lack a subject (noun or pronoun) and include only a verb or verb phrase.
Example: – “Came in the room.”
Correction: The dog came in the room.
Missing verb
These fragments include a subject but lack a verb.
Example: “The boy in the ground.” (Missing verb)
Correction: The boy in the ground was playing.
Dependent Clause
An dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb, but is incomplete in thought.
Example: “After the cat jumped over the fence” ( dependent clause)
Correction: After the cat jumped over the fence, it raced through the alley. (integrate with an independent clause)
A run-on sentence is when two or more independent clauses (complete thoughts) are combined without the proper punctuation or conjunctions.
This can make a sentence long and confusing, as it lacks clear breaks or structure, making it difficult to understand.
To fix a run-on sentence, you can separate the independent clauses with a period, a semicolon, or a conjunction like “and” or “but.”
Example: I went to the store I needed to buy a gift for my friends birthday.
Correction: I went to the store because I needed to buy a gift for my friends birthday.
Comma Splice
A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses (complete thoughts) are joined together with just a comma, which is grammatically incorrect.
This makes the sentence confusing because it needs a stronger punctuation mark, like a semicolon or a conjunction, to separate the clauses properly.
Example: Despite her busy schedule, she managed to complete the capstone project on time, it was a significant achievement. Correction: Despite her busy schedule, she managed to complete the capstone project on time. It was a significant achievement.
Correct the following run-ons and comma splices.
- They ran to catch the train it was about to leave the station.
- He finished his homework quickly, then he played video games for hours.
- The novel was incredibly captivating, she couldn’t put it down, she finished it in one sitting.
- She loves to read books, she has a collection of over 200 novels.
- The sun was shining brightly, it was a beautiful day.
- They faced numerous obstacles during the treasure hunt, they persevered and found the treasure.
- After a long day at work, he decided to meet his friend, he needed to clear his mind and relieve stress.
- The restaurant was fully booked for the evening, they had to turn away several customers, the demand for reservations was unexpectedly high.
Here are some more sentence problems.
Vague Pronoun References: Students may use pronouns such as “it,” “this,” or “that” without a clear antecedent, leading to confusion.
Example: “The experiment was successful, and it provided valuable insights. This is important for future research.”
Wordiness and Redundancy: Students may use excessive words or repeat information unnecessarily, making sentences overly complex.
Example: “In the field of psychology, it is important to conduct research studies that involve the exploration and investigation of various psychological phenomena.”
Inconsistent Verb Tenses: Inconsistent use of verb tenses within a paragraph or section can create confusion and disrupt the temporal sequence of events.
Example: “The researchers conducted the study and now they are analyzing the results.”
Failure to Avoid Informal Language: The use of colloquial language, contractions, or slang is not suitable for formal academic writing.
Example: “The data collection process was kinda difficult, but we managed to get enough responses.”
Inappropriate Use of Passive Voice: Overuse of passive voice can weaken the clarity of writing, making it less direct and less engaging.
Example: “The experiment was conducted by the researchers, and the results were analyzed.”