Rural Local Self Government in India, its functions and levels.
Government is a body of people with the powers to govern or administer the country or state. The basic duties of a government are to protect the rights of the people and look after the public welfare. For effective administration, the government of India operates on three levels – Centre, State and Local.
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Levels of Government in India
- Central Government
- State Government
- Local Self-Government
Central Government
The Central Government is also known as the Union Government or Government of India. It is based in New Delhi, the capital of India. The President of India is the head of the State, while the Prime Minister of India is the head of the Government.
State Government
The State Government operates at the state level.
India is divided into states, and each state has a separate government of its own. The State Government is based in the capital of the state, and the Chief Ministries the head of the State Government.
Local Self-Governments
Local self-government works at the grassroot level and is closer to the people of the country.
There are two types of local self-governments:
- Urban local self-government: Local government system in urban areas, such as towns and cities, like municipal corporations and municipalities.
- Rural local self-government: Local government system in rural areas, like panchayats and Zila Parishads
Rural Local Self-Government
Panchayati Raj System
Panchayati Raj system is the local self-government structure that caters to the needs and requirements of the people at the village.
The three-tiered system of Panchayati Raj:
- Zila Parishad (District Level)
- Panchayat Samities (Block Level)
- Gram Panchayat (Village Level)
The word Panchayat is divided into ‘panch’ means five and ‘ayat’ means assembly. In olden days, panchayats used to be assemblies of five village elders who were known as panchas.
The Panchayati Raj systems in villages encompass three parts: Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat, Nyaya Panchayat.
Gram Sabha
Gram Sabha is a village assembly of all adult members of the village. There could be one Gram Sabha for one village or a few villages, depending upon their population.
It’s purpose is to ensure participation of the villagers in the development of their villages. It discusses the problems of the villagers and works out some remedies for the same.
Gram Panchayat
Election: The Gram Sabha elects members of the Gram Panchayat through secret voting. The number of members in Gram Panchayat may differ state-wise.
Officers: The head of the Gram Panchayat is the Sarpanch and the other members are called Panch. Sometimes, a Deputy Sarpanch or Up-Sarpanch is also elected. The Gram Panchayat also has a Secretary, appointed by the government.
Functions of the Gram Panchayat
Compulsory functions include: Maintain and repair roads, streets, wells, tanks and drainage systems. Provide primary education facilities by setting up schools in villages. Maintain records of deaths and births. Provide clean water for drinking and other domestic uses.
Optional functions include: Provide entertainment facilities, such as televisions, radios, and theatres. Construction of gardens, playgrounds and libraries.
Sources of income for Gram Panchayat
- Tolls and taxes levied on houses, shops and use of public places for the personal reasons.
- Grants from central and state governments.
Block Samiti
Block samitis are also known as Panchayat Samitis, Janpad Samitis, Taluka Panchayats or Mandals.
Meaning of the term ’Block’?
At times, Gram Panchayat may have to handle some issues which require working with other villages. Therefore, several villages are grouped together to form a Block.
Functions of Block Samiti
The functions of block samiti are: Monitor the functions of Gram Panchayats in that block. Implement schemes of the state government in that villages. Provide high quality seeds, latest agricultural equipment, and financial assistance to the farmers. Act as a link between the Gram Panchayats and the Zila Parishads.
Sources of income for Block Samiti
The sources of income for Block Samiti are: Land, water and electricity taxes. Grants and loans from the state government and the Zila Parishad.
Zila Parishads
Zila Parishads are also known as District Councils or Zila Panchayats. The Zila Parishads are at the apex of the Panchayati Raj System as they operate at the District level in all states.
Functions of Zila Parishad
The functions of Zila Parishads are: Monitor the functioning of Block Samitis and panchayats. Promote healthcare facilities. Promote primary and higher education. Provide assistance to farmers to improve agricultural production.
Sources of income for the Zila Parishads
The sources of income for Zila Parishads are: Taxes on water, land, electricity, pilgrimage and markets. Grants and aids by the state government and the central government.
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