Responsible management in business today means balancing the interests of the entire world (people, business, environment) in order to benefit existing as well as future generations.
Identify a company or organisation of your choice. identify ONE major responsible management challenge your case company faces. Choose ONE of the following corporate functions to address that challenge and explain why.
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Marketing, HRM, accounting/controlling, supply chain management, or business information systems.
Analyse this one major responsible management challenge to make recommendations for how the company should address the responsible management challenge through the corporate function you have chosen. You should clearly indicate and justify how these recommendations are practicable and realistic in the context of the company’s existing responsible management practices, and how these practices could be further developed and changed to fully implement your recommendations.
Make sure your recommendations are practical, realistic as well as ambitious, all within the context of responsible management and the company’s existing ways of addressing responsible management issues (social, environmental and/or ethical) — what could/should the company be doing differently? Clearly indicate and justify how these recommendations are feasible and realistic considering the existing internal practices and possible (external/internal) resource constraints.
Your analysis should contain the following elements.
Quality of the introduction, including briefly outlining the company’s specific business context, clearly specifying the one major responsible management challenge that will be addressed in the essay and explaining/justifying the relevant corporate function to address this challenge.
Analysis of ONE major responsible management challenge
Quality and breadth of evidence provided (and backed up with clearly cited sources, company and non-company ones) to clearly demonstrate that this is a major responsible management challenge for the case company.
Analysis of this major responsible management challenge: quality of argument, analysis and reasoning that lead to your assessment of how this major responsible management challenge impacts upon the case company.
Reasonableness (Quality) of recommendations made
Reasonableness of recommendations made for how the company should address this challenge: Quality of justification about how these recommendations are practicable and realistic in the context of the company’s existing responsible management practices.
Reasonableness of recommendations made for how these practices could be further developed and changed to fully implement your recommendations.
Quality of summary and conclusions (10), drawing on the evidence in the report to reach a well-reasoned conclusion addressing the assignment.
Quality of presentation and writing style (10). 5.a. Professional writing style, clear structuring and flow. 5.b. Correct and complete referencing.
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