Here’s how to write research methodology in a project report (applies to dissertation, thesis, projects).
Writing the Research Methodology
Once you have decided the topic for your project, you’ll need to mention how you will conduct the research in order to find material for your project work. You have to mention a bit about the methodology you will use to gather data — will it be qualitative, quantitative, mixed, and so on. You may refer to past work to see what kind of methodology have been used, and discuss it with your professor (Dissertation Chair).
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Research Methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is science of studying how research is done scientifically. Essentially it is the procedure by which researchers go about their work of describing, evaluating and predicting phenomenon. It aims to give the work plan of a research. It provides training in choosing methods, materials, scientific tools and techniques relevant for the solution of the problem.
The research methodology section is considered as an important part of any research as it set out the blueprint of tools and procedure considered in data collection, data analysis and interpretation. The section lists the research philosophy, research design, research method, time horizon, data collection and analysis.
Under research methodology, you will mention the objectives of the project/study, and what are you trying to achieve through the project.
You can also mention the scope of the study. The study should provide the details and furnish findings related to the aims and objectives. You should also mention any limitations of the study.
For example: The study is done only with the help of Secondary Research and hence there is no one to one interaction to find out the detail analysis of the transaction as people lack knowledge. We have not taken anyone and everyone into the picture i.e. the study as they may not have the knowledge for the same which would be the inaccurate for the study not give out a realistic output.
The research methodology should also provide the various Data collection methods used.
Data Types and Sources: Quantitative data will be used. Secondary data will be collected through forms available on government websites, news articles, etc.
Sampling Procedure: The sample type & procedure opted for this study is by prepared by gaining knowledge on the topic through various websites, newspapers, etc.
Data Collection Techniques: Data has been collected through Secondary Sources as follows:
- Documentation – This involves collecting information & data from existing reports & documents.
- Newspapers – Commonly used to understand the process and the law.
- Research Reports
- Company Website
Research philosophy
Research philosophy refers to the principles, beliefs, assumptions that guide a researcher’s approach to conducting the research.
Types of research philosophy: the positivist research philosophy, interpretivist research philosophy, pragmatist research philosophy, and realistic research philosophy.
Read more on Research Philosophy.
Deductive theory
- Theory is used to generate a hypothesis for testing through empirical means.
- Deductive research moves from general ideas/theories to specific and particular situations: the particular is deduced from the general, e.g. broad theories.
The follows the sequence: Existing Theory -> Hypotheses -> Measurements -> Hypotheses Testing -> Theory rejection or corroboration.
Inductive theory
- Inductive research moves from particular situations to make or infer broad general ideas/theories.
- Theory is the outcome of the research
- Research findings lead to the development of theory
- Research taking an inductive approach is more about developing and modifying theory than testing it, e.g. grounded theory
The follows the sequence: Phenomena -> Context -> Qualitative data collection -> Existing Theory -> New Theory
- Pragmatism research philosophy accepts concepts to be relevant only if they support action. Pragmatics “recognise that there are many different ways of interpreting the world and undertaking research, that no single point of view can ever give the entire picture and that there may be multiple realities” (Saunders et al 2012)
- According to pragmatism research philosophy, research question is the most important determinant of the research philosophy.
- Pragmatics can combine both, positivist and interpretivism positions within the scope of a single research according to the nature of the research question.
- Mixed Methods
Research steps
Quantitative research -> Deductive
- Theory
- Hypothesis
- Research design
- Devise measures of concepts
- Select research site(s)
- Select research subjects/respondents
- Administer research instruments
- Process data
- Analyse data
- Findings/Conclusions
- Write up findings/conclusions
- Recommendations
Qualitative research -> Inductive
- General research questions
- Selecting relevant site(s) and participants
- Collection of relevant/further data
- Interpretation of data
- Conceptual and theoretical work. Tighter specification of the research questions(s).
- Writing up findings/conclusions
- Recommendations
Approaches to multi-strategy research (Mixed-Methods)
- triangulation – quantitative and qualitative research
- facilitation – using one research strategy to aid another
- complementarity – dovetailing the best aspects of two research strategies
The term methodology refers to the overall approaches and perspectives to the research process as whole and is concerned with the following main issues:- WHY you collected certain data
- WHAT data you collected
- WHERE you collected it
- HOW you collected it
- HOW you analysed it
- A DESCRIPTON of, and a RATIONALE for your proposed:
- research approach
- data collection instruments
- data collection procedures or processes
- data analysis procedures
Research Approach
- A brief but broad description of your proposed methodology
- Are you planning to use a quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods approach?
- Why did you choose this approach?
- Your choice of approach should be linked back to your research questions or aims.
- Justify your choices
Research approach provide the reasoning basis that the researcher considers during the interpretation of the research findings. There are three main research approach that can be considered in research that inductive, abductive, and deductive approach.
Deductive approach is associated with generalisation of finding from general to specific. It is used to test existing theory through hypothesis top evaluate if the theory still applies with the current research findings.
On the other hand, inductive approach refers refer to an approach that starts from specific to general. It is used when making generalised conclusion from the research findings.
The third approach is abductive approach which is used to evaluate testable conclusion through a serious of inductive and deductive inferences. For the current research, inductive approach will be adopted for the purpose of generalising the impact of organisational culture on employee satisfaction in the hospitality industry using the findings of evaluating the United Arab Emirates hospitality industry.
Research design
Research design referred to the strategies that research considers that can be able to integrate the various aspect of a study in logical and coherent way. Consequently, adopting the appropriate method is crucial in influencing accuracy of research finding and research recommendations.
An Exploratory research design allows for the researcher to investigate a research topic that had not been evaluated in-depth before. Consequently, it provides flexibility on how the researcher approaches the research question.
Research methods
There are various research methods that can be adopted in undertaking research. The three main methods that can be adopted are quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods.
Quantitively method is identified to utilise quantitative data and method when undertaking research.
Qualitative research method on the other hand utilises qualitative information and methods associated with text or thematic analysis.
Mixed method leverages the advantages of both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Research time horizon
The research can adopt a cross-sectional study or a Longitudinal study.
In cross-sectional study, data from the participants is evaluated during the same time frame with no follow up data collection from the participants.
Target population and sampling method
Target population refers to the group that has the information required to answer the research question.
Data Collection Instrument, Tool and Method
- How do you plan to collect the information/data that you will use to answer your research question?
- Explain the intended design and development process
- Justify your choices by referring to the research methods literature
Popular data collection method include using interviews and questionnaire.
The interview method of data collection facilitates getting more information from the respondents using follow-up questions. Various questions associated with the different themes of the research problem can be asked.
Data Collection Procedures
- Describe WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY
- Explain step-by-step how you went about data collection
- Who will be your participates in the study?
- How will you choose the participants (sampling procedure)?
- How will you recruit the participants?
- When will you collect the data?
- Where will the data collection take place?
- What instruments or equipment was used (online survey ex)?
- How will you record your observations or interviews?
- What samples did you collect? How?
- What measurements will you use?
- How will you analyse the data? Statistical analysis? Thematic analysis?
- What software or instruments will you use to analyse the data, if any? Why?… SPSS?
Data Analysis
Data analysis is considered as an important part of research undertaking.
Data collected through qualitative methods such as interviews are usually analyzed using thematic analysis, in which the main themes related to the research objectives are identified. Content and thematic analysis is done by reading and rereading of each of the responses that is provided by the respondents.
The output of the analysis is presented as tables, summary text and figures.
Ethical Considerations
- If you are using human participants, the key issues are likely to include (among others):
- informed consent,
- confidentiality,
- protection of the vulnerable,
- Data Protection
- For example, does the research involve discussions of sensitive topics affecting individual respondents?
- Does the research involve access to confidential or personal records?
- Will the research be conducted without full and informed consent of the participants or any deception?
- Is there a risk that the data will be treated without full confidentiality so that interviewees are identifiable?
Ethical consideration is required in research to ensure reduction of direct or indirect risk of harm to the research stakeholders. Consequently, ethical consideration should be undertaken throughout the research undertaking.
First, permission has to be sought from the ethical committee of the university before undertaking the research. In addition, each of the respondent that will be involved in the research should be asked to give informed consent to participate in the study. Only those that give consent should be considered in the research.
Furthermore, all information that will be used in the study should be appropriately cited intext and in the reference list to ensure credit is given to all the authors.
Lastly, the data collected should be secured and only the people with permission should be able to access it.
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