India is officially called the Republic of India. Though, India became a free country on 15th August, 1947, it became a Republic when it adopted the constitution.
When did India become a Republic?
India became a Republic on 26th January, 1950. the Indian National Flag was hoisted at Irwin Stadium in Delhi and a salute of 21 guns was fired as a mark of honour. From that day onwards, 26th January was recognized as the Republic Day of India and declared a national holiday.
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How is the Republic Day celebrated?
The main Republic day celebration in India takes place in New Delhi. On this day, the President addresses the nation. The Indian Army, Air Force and Navy conduct parades and perform bands. There is a display of the culture of different stages through tableaus.
The first Republic Day parade was performed at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium and was attended by 15,000 civilians.
Various awards are announced
Awards such as the Kirti Chakra, Padma Awards, and Bharat Ratna are announced on the eve of Republic Day.
National Bravery Awards
During an vent at Delhi’s Ramlila ground on 2nd October, 1957, a fire broke out in a tent. Suddenly, a 14-year old boy, Harsh Chandra Mehra ripped open the burning tent with his knife and saved hundreds of rapped people. This incident inspired Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who was present at the event, to honour brave children from across the country with a Bravery award. Since then, on every Republic Day, about 25 Indian children are awarded the National Bravery Award for acts of bravery against all odds.
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