26th January (REPUBLIC DAY). This is the day our Constitution came into force that’s why we call it Republic Day.
But what does the word Republic mean?
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Some of you may already know it and some of you don’t. On this occasion, I wish to make small effort to help understand the word Republic to those who do not know. Experts in the subject matter r requested to add should I miss something.
First of all let us understand that Republic is not the same as democracy.
Thomas Jefferson says, a democracy is nothing more than the mob rule, where fifty one percent of the people(just majority) may take away the rights of the other forty nine(just minority). In Alexis de Tocqueville’s words, it is called tyranny of the majority in a democracy.
Republic system prevents this tyranny of the majority in a democracy.
Let’s see How this is done?
In India, Republic system incorporated in our Constitution revolves around four major power centres.
1)The People,
2)The President
3) The Parliament(Democratically Elected Representatives) and
4)The Judiciary.
Of all these four power centres, our constitution vests the supreme power in the hands of people I.e. citizens of India. That’s why it’s preamble starts with the word, “We, the People of India…”
In our Republic system The President and The Judiciary is vested with powers to reverse the efforts of the majority terminating the constitutional rights of the minority. Thus preventing the tyranny of the democratic majority. This is the beauty of Republic and democratic constitution of the India.
Further more, in Republic System all positions of power or authority are not inherited by birth but are attained through democratic principles. Even head of the state I.e. The President is elected by the people.(Indirect Elections).
Republic system rejects the following at all levels in the society.
It rejects Monarchy (Rule by single Ruler or a King);
It rejects Aristocracy(rule of one particular class over the others in any sector of the society);
It rejects Hereditary system in power).
Such features of our constitution makes us one of the most evolved country as far as principles are concerned. But in practice, we yet have to go miles ahead. Anyways, that doesn’t stop us being proud of our country and it’s best in the world elaborately written Constitution. For the better future of our country as a whole, let’s create awareness on these principles and let’s pledge to follow them in our day to day lives, at home, in the office, in the society, in the religion, in the socio-political institutions/organizations and almost everywhere in the country. That’s the purpose of celebrating REPUBLIC DAY and that’s the purpose of reading preamble of the Constitution.
Lets not become mere Indians, instead, let’s become Democratic Republic Indian.
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