Red Eye is a chapter in English Literature for ICSE Class 5 students.
Red Eye is a story about a girl called Cindy who had a snake – not a paper snake, but a real one.
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Red Eye: Questions and Answers
“On second thoughts, I said, she might learn a lot from Red Eye”.
Question a: Who said these words in the story?
Answer: Cindy says these words in the story.
Question b: Whom did she refer to?
Answer: Cindy was referring to her elder sister Emily.
Question c: Why did the speaker have second thoughts
Answer: Cindy knew Emily was afraid of snakes but she wanted to get even with her sister Emily so she had second thoughts.
“Well, if that snake means so much to you, I guess I’ll help you,” she said.
Question a: What was the snake called? What did it look like?
Answer: The snake was called the ‘Red Eye’. The snake had three pale stripes and orange dots on its body, and there were little blue dashes on its head.
Question b: Who said these lines? What help did she offer?
Answer: Emily said these words. She offered to search for the snake, which had gone missing.
Question c: Briefly describe how the speaker succeeded in helping the listener.
Answer: Emily spent hours looking for Red Eye in the house.
Question: Where did Cindy find Red Eye?
Answer: Cindy found Red Eye when she visited her uncle’s farm.
Question: Cindy brought Red Eye home saying that Emily might learn a lot from Red Eye. When she said these lines, what did Cindy really want to do?
Answer: Cindy wanted to scare Emily because in the past Emily had complained about Cindy to their parents.
Question: How did Cindy feel when Emily offered to look for Red Eye.
Answer: Cindy realized that Emily was a good person by she never understood that before.
Question: Emily decided to look for Red Eye once she realized that the snake meant a lot to her sister. What does this tell us about her?
Answer: It shows that Emily loved her little sister even though they always fought with each other.
Question: What did Cindy and Emily learn from Red Eye’s disappearance and the search for it?
Answer: They learnt that they cared for each other.
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