Project: To study a public sector undertaking and identify its type.
Object: The objective of this project is to acquaint the students with the functioning of public sector.
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Organisation of the Project: The subject teacher will ask each student of his/her class to study the annual report of a public sector undertaking. The student will carefully read the report. He/She will note down : (i) The name of the undertaking (ii) The nature of its business (iii) The name of its chairman (iv) Name of the place where it is located.
The student will now state whether the undertaking is a departmental undertaking, a Government company or a public corporation. Each student will consult the class teacher and discuss his/her report with the teacher. Changes, if necessary, will be made in what the student has written. Now the student will note down the project neatly in his/her project file.
Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) in India are companies in which at least 51% of the stake is with the Government of India or state governments. These entities undertake business on behalf of the government for the benefit of the general population.