Question: Take a case of five FMCGs – fast moving consumer goods – bathing soaps, toothpastes, facial creams, shampoos, ball pens. Analyze as to how the market for these products is characterised by product differentiation.
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Market for all these consumer goods is characterised by product differentiation in view of these goods being produced under different brand names, having different product features with different prices and different preferences of the consumers, etc.
- Bathing soaps: Pears. Lux, Rexona, Dove
- Toothpastes: Colgate, Forhans, Meswak
- Facial creams: Ponds, Nivea, Dove, Lakme
- Shampoos: Palmoline, Head and Shoulder, Clinic Plus, Pantene
- Ball point pens: Luxor, Reynolds. Camlin, Cello
- Look at these brands of five consumer goods and identify distinctive features of each of these brands.
Here’s what to write in this project:
Provide a brief description on why companies try to differentiate themselves from others. Talk briefly about product differentiation and mention what the project will talk about.
In the main body, talk about what is a market, and types of market structures.
Explain types of market structures – Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly.
Talk about product differentiation – Vertical Differentiation and Horizontal Differentiation.
Talk about distinctive features of the FMCG brands (soaps, toothpastes, etc.)
Write Conclusion.
Write Bibliography.
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