Statement of the problem: Very often the problem is stated in a declarative form. It may as well be written in a question from. Problems can be derived from theory, prior research results or personal observations and experience.
” To define a problem means to put a fence around it, to separate it by careful distinctions from like questions found in related situation of need,” Whitney.
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“To define a problem means to specify it is detail and with precision. Each question and subordinate question to be answered is to be specified. The limits of the investigation must be determined. Frequently it is necessary to review previous literature / studies in order to determine just what is to be done,” Monroe and Engel hart.
Hillway has given us some rules for definition of a problem:
- a) Be sure that the topic chosen is neither too vague nor too broad in scope.
- b) To make the problem clearer and more understandable state it as question which requires definite answer.
- c) Carefully state the limits of the problem (scope), eliminating all aspects and factors, which will not be considered in the study.
- d) Define any special terms that must be used in the statement of the problem. (Operational definition
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