Pollution contributes to the harmful environment that results in advert affect on living things. It is one of the major concern areas for the whole world. It is a global issue involving the United Nations, governments, voluntary institutions and the media.
Pollution is the process that makes nature’s resources such as land, water, air or other parts of environment unsafe or unsuitable to use. It is an act of contaminating the environment by introducing certain hazardous contaminants that lead to disturbance of ecosystem and directly or indirectly affect human beings, animals, plants of the ecosystem. Pollution causes the disturbance of the natural system and balance of environment.
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Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemicals, or biological characteristics of air, water and soil that may harmfully affect life or create potential health hazard of any living organism.
Pollution can be of many types : soil, air, water, thermal, radioactive, noise and light. The toxins released are inhaled by each one of us while we breathe.
Pollution and its causes
Inhaling poisonous air is as hazardous as smoking. It is not only the humans who are affected from this polluted environment but also the animals. air is filled with highly toxic gases. These dangerous gases in environment are released by the power industries that burn fossil fuels, industries to dispose wastes in water, farmer used Pesticides, high usage of artificial lights and loud sounds etc. Each of these leads to generation of the life threatening cause Pollution.
Any use of natural resources at a rate higher than the nature’s capacity to restore itself can result in release in pollution of air, water and land. Other than these activities, there are a few periodic natural cycles that also result in release of dangerous stuff. Natural activities other than the human activities like volcanic eruption, dust wildfires, etc also in creation of pollution.
Globalization is another major cause of pollution. Globalization has become an affective facilitator of environmental degradation.
Technological advancements done by humans are also one of the main reasons of pollution of the Earth.
Air pollution
The most dangerous and common type of pollution, caused by release of harmful gasses in the air. It is majorly caused due to the direct release of chemicals into our whole body and affects all the body systems mainly the respiratory functions. With the rising of Air pollution over the world there is a worrisome increase in the rate of human disease, various animals and plants on Earth. Though pollution is released by nature, animals and humans activities which can be minimized to reduce the pollution rate.
What Needs to be Done?
As we all know that earth is the only known planet having life in this universe. So we should respect and maintain everything we get from our Mother Earth. We should save the mother earth so that our future generations can live in a safe environment. We can save the earth by saving trees, natural vegetation, water, natural resources and electricity. We should strictly follow all the possible measures to control the environmental pollution and global warming. Everyone should plant more trees in the surrounding areas to curb the pollution and reduce the effects of global warming. Afforestation, reforestation, recycling of used paper and other natural products, saving of natural resources (minerals, coal, stones, oil, etc.), electricity, water and environment should be supported and promoted.
Pollution: Poems
Look outside, see the trees Watch the flowers in the breeze Things won’t be like this in a year or two If polluting is all we do Seize the night Seize the day Things won’t always be this way Thousands of people are dying In the night you hear children crying Let’s stop the war Our people are sore The world can’t help itself Who cares about your wealth Help me to help you Show the world what you can do.
Every individual owns certain responsibility of maintaining a few points such as not throwing garbage all around, growing trees, using public transport instead of your own. We must shun excessive consumption and avoid careless and deliberate disposal of post – consumption waste resources which could otherwise recycled and would led to pollution control. Pollution cannot be reduced or controlled if a sense of responsibility towards our Mother Earth if not felt by concern.
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