The main objective of this research is to provide a systematic review of the literature on the various social initiatives to improve awareness and to reduce plastic waste, to improve processing of plastic waste, and to provide recommendations.
If the demand for plastics follows its current trajectory, global plastics-waste volumes would grow up to 460 million tons per year by 2030 (McKinsey), taking an already serious environmental problem to a whole new level.
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Recycling is the most viable method by which waste plastics can be regenerated into useful products.
Research questions minimum 2 questions:
- How can we improve the processing of plastic waste?
- How can we increase awareness on plastic waste, what social initiatives can contribute to the reducing of plastic waste?
Proposed research methodology
For this Investigation, one manufacturing company will be targeted to identify (1) what steps they take to reduce plastic use and (2) how much recycled plastic is used. Ten people will also be interviewed to identify their awareness of the various initiatives to reduce plastic usage.
Plastic products are used extensively worldwide (plastic household appliances, packaging, plastic battles, bags, etc.) but it poses a big risk to the environment because it is not bio-degradable. Once they have outlived their usefulness, they interfere with the natural balance of the various ecosystems.
Over the years, people have become more aware of the importance of plastic recycling. Images of plastics waste across the globe, and Marine plastics pollution have contributed to a consumer backlash and has been a powerful force to mobilize public opinion, that is translating to regulatory moves to ban or restrict plastics use in numerous geographies.
Lot of countries now have regulations in place where it demands companies to manage their plastic waste in order to retain their licenses and to operate.
Recycling reduces waste materials generated by plastic manufacturing companies from entering landfills, cuts down on oil usage as well as reduces emission of harmful gases. This results in less pollution and a cleaner planet.
Recycling of plastic is becoming popular in the western world where both organizations as well as individuals/families carry out recycling of plastic.
While there is increased awareness about the need for recycling and even though the amount of post-consumer plastics recycled every year has been increasing every year, the percentage of plastic recycled is very low (In 2012, only 9% of which was recovered for recycling as per
- Need the right infrastructure in place, requires substantial capital investment
- Plastics companies may have to boost their investments in mechanical recycling operations
- Companies will need to invest in recycled plastic. If there’s no economic value in using recycled plastics then there won’t be any demand.
- Petrochemical and plastics companies have to be prepared to adopt a different business model, where they will have to source plastics-waste supply from a large number of scattered players rather than getting their raw materials in bulk from one source.
- Effort required needs to clean and sort recyclables, creating a higher quality product (it should not be too contaminated for processing, meaning they were covered in food or mixed in with other materials).
Experts feel recycling could also present an important and profitable business opportunity.
Recent technological advances have made it possible for plastic bags to be turned into plastic lumber. Recycled plastic can be used as construction products such as plastic lumber, landscaping furniture, and roof & floor tiles.
Recycle Plastic can also be converted into Oil which can be used as Furnace oil , Heating Oil etc. With further distillation, it can also be used as diesel for vehicles.
Industry and society currently lack a clear picture of a path forward under which the volumes of plastics being discarded could be recaptured and reused. Also lacking has been a full perspective on which recovery and recycling technologies offer the biggest potential. There is a need to use the appropriate technology in geographies where it is needed and takes into account that some are still on a steep learning curve. With the right education (convincing consumers that recycled is not inferior), recycled plastic can see a tremendous increase in demand.
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