Paulo Freire, Brazilian educator is the author of “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”, a book that focusses on critical consciousness.
In the book, Freire says that our society is a dynamic, ever-evolving system that creates situations of power. This power, at times, intentionally or unintentionally, creates social structures, provides power to some, and oppresses some other sections of the society.
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Friere argues that in such a system there is very little incentive for the oppressors to change they work or behaviour, because it is more likely to change the status of their wealth, power and way of life.
As a result, their efforts at social change is very limited. Friere also states that while the oppressed have more reasons to unite and make social change, usually they are unable to create much impact because they are unable to see through the various structures that their oppressors have created.
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