Patanjali is one of the very well recognized Fast Moving Consumer Goods Brand in India. The company is known for the Ayurveda concept. The company has various successful brand like Dant Kanti, Kesh Kanti, Divya Dant Manajan and many more. It will be easy for the organization to launch a product extension (such as ice cream) as many FMCG companies sell ice-creams and one of them is Unilever. The Patanjali brand will have an edge as the consumer is already aware about the brand and the quality it provides in the market.
Promotion is one of the most important element of the Marketing Mix. Promotion helps organization in improving the awareness of the product, increase the sales of product and create a position of the product in the minds of the consumer. Promotion Mix has various elements like Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing, Digital Marketing, etc. It is very important to use the promotion mix carefully as it should reach the target audience that the company is trying to serve. The company should be clear about the segmentation and target market. The ice-cream is purchased by people from all age group and that is one of the reason why family pack is very popular.
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Promotion mix is a set of all promotion tools that an organization can use to reach out the consumer. The various types of promotion tools available to the organization are: Sales Promotion, Consumer Sales Promotion, Trader Sales Promotion, Advertising Television Radio Print, Personal Selling, Public Relation, Publicity, Digital Media, Point of Purchase, Media, Word of Mouth.
M/s Patanjali can use the above promotion mix tools but not all of them as they need to clearly target the ice cream users. The company can do heavy promotion in summer season as the demand for ice-cream is high in summer than in Rainy or winter season.
Promotion mix for Patanjali Ice Cream would be as follows:
Advertising: It is a consumer brand and will be used by the masses so one of the most important way to reach out to the larger population is by using Advertising. The company should use all the three traditional format of advertising as it will help reach larger audience and the company will be able to target both the urban and rural market.
a. Television: It is one of the oldest from of media and it will help reach larger audience. The TV ads are well accepted by people. TV commercial should be targeted on Cartoon Channels, Music Channels, Sport Channels and Daily episodic channels.
b. Radio: Radio is one of the effective way to reach the rural audience. The reach of Radio is 99% and many people in urban city listen to radio. The effective way of pushing the launch of ice cream through radio will have larger brand awareness both in urban and rural area.
c. Print: Print ads are very effective as this has larger audience viewing the ad. The selective places should be used for print ads as it should reach the right target market.
Sales Promotion: Sales Promotion is an effective way to reach the large audience and induce them to buy the products through offer and push sales. The following techniques can be used to increase the sales of the product:
a. Free Samples: Free sample is one of the most effective way to induce the buyer for the trial of the product. The company should provide free samples of Patanjali Ice Cream in small pack size.
b. Buy One Get One Offer: The BOGO offers are one of the favorite offers liked by the consumer and the company. The company in the initial launch phase and after completion of free samples the company can provide Buy one Get One Free offer for their consumers.
c. Trade Promotions: The Company can provide the competitive margins to the retailer so that it can compete with the already established players.
Point of Purchase: the Point of Purchase is an impulsive way to reach out the consumer who has come out for shopping. The ice-cream is an impulsive product which means when the consumers see it they feel the craving for purchasing the same.
a. Danglers: The danglers should be placed inside the stores so that there is a brand awareness and impulsive sale.
b. Placement of Refrigerator at the counter: The customer should be able to see the product at the exit as the ice-cream will be the last product to be purchased as the same needs to be refrigerated.
Digital Media: The Company should make the product visible on the digital media as the consumer will try to search the product online or even purchase the product online. The following activities can be done online:
a. Facebook: The Company should create a Facebook page to engage the audience.
b. Twitter: Twitter handle should be used to talk about the products.
c. YouTube Video: The Ad’s on TV should be placed on YouTube channel to add virality to the content.
d. Availability on Ecommerce Sites: The product should be available on ecommerce websites.
Publicity: Baba Ramdev should use his media partners where can do a press conference for the launch. The media coverage for the product will be useful to create brand image.
To sum it up, the above mentioned points, if used effectively, will help the company to create awareness but also to increase the sale of the product. The use of various tools of Promotion Mix, pitching the right strategy to sell Patanjali ice cream, selection of proper tool on various events of selling would definitely accelerate the growth of the Patanjali ice cream in the market.
Also, as a marketing manager, one has to make sure that all the activities should be done in a way that will create an impact on the minds of the customers. The campaigns need to be managed properly as execution is very important in Marketing Programs. The content across all media should be same and relevant as the audience will remain engaged with the brand. The company is open to use more promotional tools as the sales increase but the same needs to be monitored on timely basis. The company can also change the plans for marketing programs as the competitor can launch an aggressive plans against the product to defend the position. To conclude, the promotion tools are important but the same needs monitoring and control from the Marketing Team.
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