Most adults in India have been through an education system that did not stress much on extra curricular activities, as a result many have a fear of going on stage. They don’t want their kids to feel the same when they grow up, that is why most adults want their kids to overcome stage fright.
Important for Kids to go on stage
In the course of life, there will be times when one has to deliver speeches, or conduct meetings, and one needs to be confident while talking to the audience. Since everyone may have to face the audience at some point in life, it’s necessary that the fear of stage goes away right from school days itself.
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School presents several opportunities to perform or face the audience. Make sure your child takes part in such activities:
- Dancing related activities
- Skits / Plays
- Playing a musical instrument
- Giving speeches
- Participating in debates
- Annual Events/functions in school/college presents several opportunities to perform for an audience, encourage your child to make use of those activities.
Go on-stage more often
Standing alone in front of a large audience is not easy. Not everyone is comfortable with giving extempore’s on stage. And that fear is stage fright.
However, there are ways to get rid of stage fright.
In schools/college, during annual events/functions, kids act as compere for the show, or host events. They are good at public speaking, but they become good over time taking baby steps.
How do they become good?
They become good at it by putting in the efforts; they prepare in advance, they practice and make use of every opportunity to perform.
More Ways To Get Rid of Stage Fright
Here are more helpful ways to help children overcome stage fright.
- Never force the child into it. Let him/her take its own time and go by choice.
- Tell them to focus straight at 1 point and not make eye contacts with friends while performing.
- Encourage him/her to talk to many groups, open up in public and interact comfortably before forcing him up on the stage. Taking small steps towards the goal is better than jumping into loop holes.
- Inform them about the relaxation tactics to calm their minds before going on stage. Ensure he practises deep breathing exercises before the performance.
- Ensure that he has learnt the script well, and has practiced enough to avoid unpleasant happenings, especially in his first attempt.
- Schools provide numerous opportunities for compering and performing acts during Annual days, inter-house competitions, sports day and many more.
- Indulge your child into games and activities promoting self-confidence, such as charades and taboo. Playing musical instruments and recording videos also prove beneficial.
- Make him understand that sweating or having pacing heartbeat before an event, is normal and that he is not the only one- it helps to boost his confidence.
- Always take feedback and enlighten him about the scope of improvement. But never discourage.
- Narrate past incidents about how people have proved to be fighters and how they aren’t afraid of going up on the stage anymore. Success stories of others usually help you feel more confident.
Games/Activities to Overcome Stage Fright
There are several games/activities for kids that can help them remove their fear of performing in front of public.
The science of stage fright (and how to overcome it)
Eventually, after several performances (and some mistakes), your child will overcome the fear of facing the audience (and hopefully go on to become talented orators).
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