“Our Constitution” Class 9 History/Civics notes and question/answers.
Q. What is a Constitution ? What is the aim ?
Ans. Constitution is a comprehension document containing the set of rules according to which the government of a country runs. The aim of a constitution of a nation is to ensure smooth governance for the welfare of its citizens.
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Q2. By whom was the Objectives Resolution proposed ? What were its principles?
Ans. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the Objectives Resolution on Dec 13, 1946. The Resolution highlighted the following principles are –
- a. Free India will be a republic.
- b. The ideals of social , political and economic democracy would be guaranteed to all people.
- c. The republic would grant Fundamental rights to citizens.
- d. The state would safeguard the rights of minorities and backward classes.
Q3. Who was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly? Write the principles incorporated by him?
Ans. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly. He incorporated the following principles in the Constitution.
- a. Making the constitution workable, flexible and strong to hold the country together both in peace and war.
- b. Providing special safeguards to the minorities and those who are socially and educationally backward.
- c. Incorporating the Right to Constitutional Remedies to ensure that the Fundamental Rights of the individuals are not violated by the centre and the state.
- d. Single citizenship, single judiciary and uniformity in fundamental laws to integrate society.
- e. Incorporating Directive Principles to ensure social and economic democracy and welfare of the people.
Q4. What was the constitution adopted and passed? When did come to force?
Ans. The constitution was adopted and passed by the Constituent Assembly on Nov 26,1949. The constitution came into force from Jan 26, 1950.
Q5. State the significance of Jan 26.
Ans. The date Jan 26,1950 was specially selected because of its historical importance. It was on this date, Jan 26in 1929 that the Lahore session of the Indian congress had for the first time given the call of Purna Swaraj or Complete Independence.
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