Here are some amazing Earth facts for kids. Here are some fun Ocean Facts for Kids; learning about our planet’s most amazing features.
An ocean is a large area of salt water. Oceans cover nearly 71 per cent of Earth’s surface. We call this major body of water as Ocean.
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Oceans contain almost 98 percent of all the water on Earth.
There are five big Oceans in the world :
- Pacific Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Southern Ocean
- Antarctic Ocean
The Largest Ocean (and the deepest) is the Pacific Ocean, while the smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean.
Big and Small fish of different types live in oceans. Crabs, starfish, sharks, whales etc. are also found in Oceans. The biggest animal in the ocean is the blue whale.
Oceans also provide us with minerals, oil & gas and transportation.
Pacific Ocean
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. The Mariana Trench, which lies within the Pacific Ocean, is the deepest place in the world at 35,797 feet under the ocean. The largest island in the Pacific Ocean is the island of New Guinea in the South Pacific.
Atlantic Ocean
The Atlantic ocean is the world’s second largest ocean, It is about half the size of the Pacific Ocean. It is first ocean ever to be crossed by a ship or flown over by a plane.
Indian Ocean
The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean. It is said to be the youngest of the major oceans in the world. Every year the Indian Ocean grows wider by 20 centimeters. It happens as a result of the melting of the polar ice caps.
Southern Ocean
The Southern Ocean is the fourth largest, or second smallest of all the oceans. It is the only ocean that goes all the way around the entire globe. The ocean is home to the world’s largest penguin species which is the “Emperor Penguin”.
Arctic Ocean
The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the world’s oceans. A lot of fresh water enters the Arctic from the melting ice. For a good part of the year much of the Arctic is covered in ice.
World Oceans Resources:
- Nattional Geographic for Kids
- World Oceans Day
- Ocean Facts by National Ocean Service
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