Long before cinema emerged as the choice of entertainment, Nautanki was the biggest source of entertainment for those living in the villages and towns of northern India. The popular folk operatic theater performance with its musical compositions and entertaining storylines captured the imagination of the rural people.
In the hindi language, people still use the word ‘nautanki’ to mean someone is acting (stop doing nautanki would mean stop acting, or stop throwing tantrums, etc.)
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Salient features of Nautanki:
Based on popular folk themes: Nautanki performances are basically operas where one gets to see skits, dances and songs. Most Nautanki’s are based on popular folk themes that are inspired by mythologies, or biographies of local heroes. People also like to listen to stories based on current issues that affect them; for example, outdated social traditions like dowry, unemployment and poverty, women’s empowerment.
Nautanki performances often involve intense exchanges between few performers; all the protagonists are highly skilled in their craft. Few props are used, and instruments are used to provide background music. In contemporary times, the street plays closely resemble a Nautanki.
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