Microsoft Paint, also commonly referred to as ‘MS Paint’ is a computer program that lets you do basic graphics and painting. You can use it to draw, colour and edit pictures. You can also import pictures from an external digital camera.
Although it looks like a basic tool (as compared to applications like Photoshop), it is actually quite versatile and can be used to create some really creative images / graphics.
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Children love drawing as it brings out their creative ideas. Let us have some fun with drawing and colouring on the computer. Microsoft Paint is also a great tool to introduce children to creating images/diagrams using a computer. It has many tools that will let kids draw and colour images/pictures.
Starting Paint
Here’s how to open the application.
- Click on the Start button
- Choose “All Programs” and select “Accessories”
- Select the Paint option
- The Paint window will open
These steps may vary a bit depending on the version of windows you have installed on your computer/laptop.
Parts of the Paint Window
The paint window is divided into the following main parts:
Title Bar
The blue bar at the top of the screen is known as the Title bar. It displays the program name and the file name. Observe the buttons at the top right side of the Title bar. You can use these buttons to minimize, maximize, and close the Paint window. These buttons are known as Control buttons.
Quick Access Toolbar
It contains all the buttons to do common tasks.
Paint Button
It contains different options to work in Paint.
Ribbon consists of two parts: Tabs and Groups.
Each tab contains tools arranged in different groups
A group is a set of related commands.
Drawing Area
The drawing area covers the major part of the Paint window. This area is used for making colourful drawings.
Using Shapes Tools
Shapes tools help us to draw various shapes like rectangle, polygon, oval, triangle, etc.
Drawing a straight line
- Click on the Home tab
- Select the Line tool in the Shapes group. Select any colour from the Colours group and the line thickness from the Size button.
- Move the mouse pointer to the Drawing area.
- Press and hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer on the Drawing area.
- Note that a line is drawn on the screen while dragging the mouse.
- Release the mouse button when you want to end the line.
Tip: to draw a straight line, press and hold down the Shift key while dragging the mouse on the Drawing area.
Using Curve Tool
- Click on the Home tab.
- Click on the Curve tool in the Shapes group.
- Select a colour and the required thickness.
- Bring the mouse pointer on the Drawing area.
- Click and drag the pointer to draw a line.
- Move the pointer to the point where you want to add a curve.
- Click and drag the line to draw a curve.
Tip: A curve can be modified only two times.
Drawing a Rectangle
- Click on the Home tab.
- Click on the Rectangle tool in the Shapes group.
- Select the blue colour from the Colours group.
- Move the mouse pointer to the Drawing area.
- The pointer changes into a “+” sign.
- Hold-down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to draw a rectangle.
- Release the mouse button when a rectangle is made.
Drawing a Circle
- Click on the Home tab.
- Click on the Oval tool from the Shapes group.
- Select the colour of your choice from the Colours group.
- Click on the size button. Select the width of the selected tool.
- Move the mouse pointer to the Drawing area.
- Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse on the Drawing area to draw a Circle.
Using the Polygon tool
- Select the Polygon tool from the Shapes group. Select the thickness of a line by clicking on the Size button.
- Select Red colour from the Colours group.
- Draw a line AB by clicking and dragging the mouse from Point A and releasing the button at Point B.
- Move the pointer to Point C and click once. The line BC will be drawn.
- Bring the mouse pointer to Point D and click once. Further click the left mouse button at Point E.
- Double-click at the final point A, to close the shape.
Fill with Color Tool
To fill the star shape with yellow colour, follow these steps:
- Select the “Fill with color” tool. Now select the yellow colour from the Colors group
- Bring the mouse pointer on the star base and click once.
- The star shape will be filled with yellow colour.
Selecting the Foreground Colour
- Click on Color 1 button. Now, click on the red colour in the Colors group, which you want as the foreground colour.
- Now select the “Fill with color” tool and fill the object with that colour.
Selecting the Background Colour
- Click on Color 2 button and then click on the yellow colour in the Colors group to select it as the background colour.
- Now select the “Fill with color” tool and right-click on the background part of the screen.
Using Control Buttons
Here we take a look at few more tools provide by paint software.
Minimizing the Paint Window
- Click on the Minimize button.
- The Paint window is hidden from the main screen.
- Its icon can be seen on the Task-bar.
Maximizing the Paint Window
- Click on the Paint icon on the taskbar.
- The Paint window will cover the entire desktop screen.
Resizing the Paint window
- Click on the middle button, that is Restore button.
- The Paint window will become smaller in size.
- Again, click on the middle button, that is, Maximize button
- The Paint window will get back to its normal size.
Using Tools Group
The Tools group has many tools that have different functions. These tools help us in making drawings.
To use any tool in the Tools group, simply clck on it. The tool will be selected.
- Move the pointer to the Drawing area.
- Press and hold down the left mouse button. Now drag the mouse to draw a picture.
- When the picture is complete, release the button.
Tip: To know the name of a tool, place the pointer on that tool.
Pencil Tool
The Pencil tool is used to draw free-form lines or curves.
- Select the Pencil tool from the Tools group.
- Select any colour from the Colours group.
- Move the pointer to the Drawing area.
- Press and hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer to draw kits.
Adding Text
- Click on the Text tool. The pointer changes to ‘I’ shape. Click and drag the pointer on the Drawing area where you want to place the text.
- A dotted rectangular box will appear with a blinking cursor inside it.
- Type the text as shown in the text box.
Eraser Tool
The Eraser tool is used to erase any part of a picture.
- Select the Erase tool from the Tools group.
- Choose the size of the eraser by clicking on the desired option in the Size button menu
- A square will appear in the Drawing area. Hold down the left mouse button, and move it on the area that you want to erase.
Brush Tool
Brush tool is used to draw objects with different kinds of brushes. To use it:
- Click on the Brushes drop-down arrow. Select any brush type from the list of available options.
- Select any colour from the Colours group.
- Move the pointer to the Drawing area.
- Press and hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to draw different lines.
Using Airbrush Tool
Airbrush tool is used to spray colour on the drawing area.
- Select any colour from the Colours group.
- Click on the Brushes drop-down arrow and select the Airbrush option.
- Select the desired spray size from the Size button.
- Move the mouse pointer onto the Drawing area.
- Click the mouse button on the area where you want to spray the colour.
Notes: In the same manner, you can use other Brushes as well.
Saving, Opening, Editing the Drawing
Saving the Drawing
It is important to save your work at short intervals, so that you do not lose it in case of power failure.
- Click on the Paint button and select the Save option. The Save As window appears on the screen.
- Type a name in the File name box. Click on the Save button. Now your drawing is saved in the computer.
Closing Paint Window
In order to close the Paint window:
- Click on the Close button placed at the top right corner of the window. Or click on the Paint button and select the Exit option from the menu.
Opening the Saved Drawing
The drawing that you have saved can be opened anytime. To open a saved drawing:
- First, open Paint by clicking on Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint.
- Click on the Paint button and select the Open option.
- The Open window appears. Select the location where the file is saved. Select the file name that you have saved, from the list.
- Click on the Open button. You will find the same drawing.
Editing the Existing File
Select Tool
The Select tool is used to select any part of the picture that we want to change.
- Click on the Select tool in the Image group.
- Bring the mouse pointer over the object that is to be selected.
- Click and hold down the left mouse button and then drag around the outer boundary of the object.
- Release the mouse button when it is completely selected.
Resizing/Skewing the Picture
The size of the picture can be increased or decreased vertically or horizontally.
- Select the drawing by covering its boundary using the Select tool.
- Click on any of its corners. The resizing handle will appear.
- Hold the left mouse button and drag the handle inward to decrease the size, drag outward to increase the size.
Activities for Children
Draw the Given Poster in Microsoft Paint

- Open the Paint program by clicking on the Start > All programs > Accessories > Paint
- Select the Line tool to draw the snow hills.
- Select the “Fill with color” tool to fill colour in the hills and sky with white and sky-blue colours respectively.
- Now choose the Oval tool to make the clouds and snow. Fill white colour in the clouds and snow.
- Draw the snow man and tree using the Oval, Line, Triangle and Line tools. Fill colours in them as shown in the figure.
- Save the file by clicking on the Save As button.
Make a Happy Birthday for Mom Card
Here’s another activity for Students.

- Open the Paint program by using the Start > All Programs > accessories > Paint
- Select the Fill with Color tool and fill Pink colour in the drawing area.
- Choose the Text tool from the Tools group.
- Select the Alex Brush style to type the text ‘Happy Birthday’.
- Now, Select the Candara style and type the first line, ‘to the most….wonderful’.
- Select the Rectangle shape and green colour.
- Select the Text tool. Place the pointer over the rectangle shape and type the word ‘Mom’.
- Select the text tool again and click the mouse pointer on the area where you want to type the next line ‘in the world’.
- Select the Pencil, Oval, Line and Rectangle tools to draw the balloons and cake respectively. Fill clour in them using the Fill with colour tool.
- Now save the file and close the Paint window.
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