Mountains are the highest landforms on the Earth’s surface. It has steep sides with a pointed tip called a peak Some mountains are snow covered or hove rounded tops While some mountains hove trees growing on their sides and tops, some ore rocky and deserted.
How are mountains formed?
Mountains are made of rocks and soil. They are formed by slow but huge movements of the earths crust. The Earth’s crust Is made at six huge layers called plates, which fit together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. When any of the two layers smash into each other, the land above is pushed upwards, forming mountains. It takes millions of years for mountains to form.
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How do mountains affect the weather?
On top of the mountains, the air is thinner and the temperatures are lower. Mountains often act as shields, blocking the cold winds. They even slow down storms moving from the ocean, causing rain to drop.
What plants and animals can be found on the mountains?
Mosses, grass and shrubs are often the only plant life found on mountain peaks. Due to scarcity of food on the peaks, animals like mountain goats, antelopes, mountain lions, bears, etc. who have adapted to life In the mountains are found there.
Some mountains found under the sea are said to he taller than Mount Everest!
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