Modern Slavery exists in various forms. Modern Slavery such as Human Trafficking exists in all continents and in all economies. It still remains a problem although it remains unseen and is often denied. Most countries are affected either by being a source, transit and destination. Majority of victims are young, between the age of 18 to 25 and children.
Kinds of Modern Slavery
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- Sex Trafficking.
- Child Sex Trafficking.
- Forced Labor.(all types of enslavement that involves coercion against ones will). Even used by Govt machinery in state prison
- Bonded Labor or Debt Bondage.(Forced to work to repay a debt, mostly targets migrant workers.
- Domestic Servitude.( consists of live in workers
- Forced Child Labor.
- Unlawful Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers.
- Descent based
- Forced early marriage
Trade Union
- An organisation of people who have come together to protect Trade, i.e, Business, Trade practices and People , bound by a common goal.
- Functions of Trade Union
- Enhanced well being and progress amongst workers ( inc hours of work, health and safety at work, holiday entitlement, pay, industrial injuries compensation.
- Providing opportunities for growth and progression.
- Protecting the skill of workers.
- Reduces gap between Employers and employees.
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