Micro-Market in Retail
A micro market is an unmanned retail space where individuals can purchase food and beverages. Micro markets can include a wide variety of fresh and healthy items that are restocked regularly. They are popular additions to employee break rooms, where they can be custom-fit to the size and shape of the area and packed with enticing options to keep employees both happy and healthy.Micro-Markets in Real Estate
One of the hallmarks of real-estate market of big cities is that it keeps growing, enveloping areas further and further away as its fringes continue to expand.
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And while most vibrant new markets are scores of kilometres away, some are also right here in its older suburbs.
They’re called micro-markets and they’re typically places that had been bypassed by realty development until growing demand, lack of space and new infrastructure combined to make them hot property for residential projects, commercial projects or both.
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