Answer to question Use the Web to research topics likely to be covered in a pre-departure training session for expatriates. Do the topics differ based on the countries to which the expatriates are being sent? Or are they the same? Note: A useful article that you may want to reference for this question is: Chew, J. (2004). Managing MNC Expatriates through Crises: A Challenge for International Human Resource Management, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 12(2), 1-30
Pre-departure training
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In this world of globalization people move from one country to another for different purposes let it be for study or residence whatsoever, Pre-departure training is that orientation and training provided to expatriate and their family before departure. Being countries different in policies and culture expatriate should be aware before moving there. So basically pre-departure training consists of work adjustment, interaction adjustment and general adjustment. Many private companies as well as government agencies conduct such orientation free or paid.
Generally the topics covered in pre-departure training are as:
-Geography and climate of host country
-Basic language and terminologies
-Packing to be done before leaving
-Transportation facilities and using method
-Quick reference guides of emergency contact numbers
-Processes on basic services viz. banking, insurance, medical care, driving license, social security card etc.
-Explanation of map and different cities
-Foods habit and recommendations
-Laws and policies being faced soon after arrival
The topics covered on all countries on pre-departure trainings are not totally same but depends on host country. Many countries have made pre-departure training session and orientation must be taken before arrival while other don’t urge. On the other hand background and government policies will also define what are to be discussed on such training. Topics covered on pre-departure trainings are common to certain extent like Geography and climate, law and policies are must have one but social security card and insurance is not available for all counties. Countries like Germany and Japan have made policy of must have 6 month Japanese language training but USA, India don’t have such provision. Such training aim to fill cultural and social gap between trainee country and host country.
Chew, J. (2004). Managing MNC Expatriates through Crises: A Challenge for International Human Resource Management, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 12(2), 1-30,. (2015).Pre-departure training for expats going to Japan. Retrieved 2 October 2015, from,. (2011).Expatriate Training And Development. Retrieved 2 October 2015, from
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