1.What problems was Hasbro having with its legacy SAP/R3 enterprise resource planning (ERP) system installed in the 1990s and how did it affect its operations and global strategy?
To cope with the large employees size of 6,000 in different countries the management technique is hard to maintain and regulation. The contemporary system used implemented standard business process causing individual office use different terminology for a single step. There is no central control and standardization that is need for coordination between branches and business units.
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2.What management, organization, and technology issues did Hasbro address in order to implement a new global systems strategy?
The management issues be way to work that is currently implemented between offices and out of office. Business intelligence and reporting was a key focus of the way to work initiative.
Organization factors be integration of sales and marketing offices into SAP environment efficiently. Use of small business ERP System will need implementation on corporate structure after maturity of interim solution. The complexity of Hasbro’s systems enjoyed a comprehensive reduction.
Technology: The data across different offices and current system need synchronization and uniformity for successfully achieving goals. Moreover new technology will cause adaptation of employees with changes it brings.
3.Describe Hasbro’s new global systems and the problems they solved. How did they improve operations and management decision making?
They have best tool available for quickly accessing and interpreting trends in sales data. They improved analysis of point of sale data to gain clearer understanding. They maintained data consistency across all business process achieving reliable data passes. The collaboration of business units to share information that are available globally with unified vision.
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