Traditionally, mass communication has enabled the communication of information, news, messages to reach a wide audience, and more importantly, over geographical dispersed audience.
Over the years, it became a powerful tool to disseminate information. While many believed in its power, there are some who believed that mass communication is an oxymoron, because communication on a large scale would really not have been possible without adequate technology, which has been made available only recently. And that is where a growing number of people now feel that the word mass in mass communication should be replaced with media (Turrow, 1992).
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In general, access to several emerging and useful technologies have made it easier for people to communicate. From here on, the mass-ness of the media will continue to see a downward trend. More importantly, social control of these tools by the elite groups in the society will become more difficult and more individuals will be empowered.
Delia, J (1987), Communication research: A history. In C.R.Berger & S.H. Chaffee (Eds.), Handbook of communication science (pp. 20-98). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Turrow J, (1992). On reconceptualizing “mass communication”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 36, 105-110.
Academic Questions on Mass Communication
Q. Do you think we are witnessing the end of mass communications as the set of institutions as social problems and or as an academic discipline (Chafee and metzger)? Support your answers from drawing of theories and concepts from class provide examples to illustrate your problems.
Q. What role does mass communications play in the dividing and or uniting society? What role do you think it is playing now? Draw on heroes and concepts from class to answers the questions provide examples to illustrate your response.
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